Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] the following year " in BNC.

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1 Gorbachev , speaking at the closing ceremony , acknowledged that there were basic disagreements between the two sides , but thought the meeting had created ‘ opportunities for progress ’ ; Reagan thought that ‘ useful preliminary results ’ had been achieved , and hoped that further progress would be achieved at the meeting that had been arranged for the following year .
2 The main instrument for this purpose was to be the Polytechnics and the White Paper provisionally recommended that 28 be established , to which two more were added in the following year , making 30 in all .
3 And I am almost certain that each one was included in the following year 's NIBA team .
4 Two 110mph trains in each direction were introduced from May 1984 and the entire service was upgraded in the following year .
5 But Joyce 's abortive service in the regiment dated from the following year , when he had left Ireland for good and when the Anglo-lrish Treaty was in force .
6 Another attempt was made in the following year between July 13 and 27 and was completely successful .
7 The elections for it were promised for the following year and already by the time of the secretary of state 's television broadcast in early September both the NIO and the Ulster political parties were evolving respective plans .
8 In these reviews the performance of authorities and managers in attaining agreed objectives and targets is discussed , and new objectives are agreed for the following year .
9 Despite the opposition of many of the Party 's leaders , the parliamentary party agreed in the following year to abstain from any division against the Estimates for the Fighting Services .
10 In the end , the danger of Iranian air raids meant that the conference was postponed until the following year and transferred to New Delhi .
11 ‘ If no financial support is forthcoming , we would like to see the scheme re-submitted for the following year . ’
12 The flexibility of the school focused secondment programme was fully demonstrated during the following year , when the secondee was able to develop a new programme for work experience ( with Partnership involvement ) and explore the feasibility of Compact , again with a full contribution from the partnership .
13 Car 68 was withdrawn and replaced in the following year by a modernistic design , which eventually became known as the Bandwagon .
14 After three years , 10m of the bonds have been redeemed , leaving 25 per cent ( i.e. 10/40 ) of the remaining bonds to be redeemed in the following year and 75 per cent ( i.e.30/40 ) of the remaining bonds to be redeemed in the final year .
15 Before the year was out four thousand prospectors had converged on the scene , to be joined in the following year by another hundred thousand , about five times the total white population of the state before gold was discovered there .
16 In the fortunate event of no major occurrence in any particular year , would the premiums be waived for the following year , or if there was profit distribution who would benefit ?
17 The stage was set for the following year when Christie 's New York offered the now famous ‘ Egyptian ’ clock , estimated at $200,000–300,000 .
18 A full service was introduced in the following year after various problems with the new units had been resolved .
19 USAID granted a loan of US$27,000,000 to help support the balance of payments and also endorsed a government plan announced in late October under which 7,000 public employees would be dismissed over the following year .
20 All of these objectives were enshrined in a document written at great speed within six months of the Japanese surrender , and enacted in the following year , 1947 .
21 The measure was designed for immediate application and short-term effect , with the handout being retrieved in the following year .
22 The idea originated with a resolution at the 1952 annual conference of delegates , and the first two medals were awarded in the following year at the Coronation Congress Dinner and Ball at Brighton .
23 The new church was finished in the following year , and the completion of the conventual buildings must have brought a more stable and orderly life .
24 It also links with Chapter 3 , which reports on a second survey of known drug users conducted during the following year ( 1985–6 ) , and in which , with the aid of a theoretical model of outbreaks of heroin use , we attempt to use our research findings to forecast future trends in heroin use .
25 The water hawthorn , Aponogeton distachyus , will grow if sown straight away or if kept until the following year , but loses its viability if allowed to dry out completely .
26 The climatic conditions of Scotland and parts of Cumbria and Northumbria are particularly suitable for the production of healthy high quality seed potatoes required for the following year 's crop and it is in these areas that most of the seed potatoes are grown .
27 The films may not be released until the following year and probably will not break even ( including interest costs ) until three years after that .
28 Ann Smith , who was at junior school in Haltwhistle , Northumberland , remembers : ‘ I know I felt really sad but the thought of a Coronation cheered me up a little bit until I found out it would not be held until the following year .
29 The first competitive championships were held in the following year .
30 For reasons which can only be guessed at he decided to establish himself near Keswick in Cumberland and returned in the following year with Hans Loner , a relative by marriage , and twelve German workers , to set up works and to prospect more fully .
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