Example sentences of "[vb pp] at the beginning [conj] " in BNC.

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1 idea of the theory , which is something that probably should have come at the beginning but it does n't matter too much .
2 Clinical , sigmoidoscopic , biopsy , haematological , and biochemical assessments were made at the beginning and end of the four week trial period or when patients were withdrawn prematurely .
3 However , we all know what it is like to start something entirely new and to be told at the beginning that rows of holes have to be followed by two knit rows and then , when it all seems to be going well , to discover that there are two transferring rows one after the other , sounding like a contradiction in terms .
4 The home ranked with the church as the place of religious allegiance , and this was symbolized at the beginning and end of the day by family prayers .
5 If you 'd known at the beginning that I knew your parents you would n't have even given me the time of day .
6 Transitions from the " flight narration " to the subject of the book and back are to be found at the beginning and end of each part .
7 Selected residues are indicated at the beginning and end of each strand .
8 The leader announced at the beginning that complete freedom of speech was allowed but speeches must be kept short .
9 I think you just got thrown at the beginning and I think he you off and
10 Fares paid cover those incurred at the beginning and end of the contract for the employee and his dependants ; host country arrival and departure expenses and the employer may pay home-leave fares and disturbance allowances .
11 As the stories are presented , the timeless Paradise is always placed at the beginning and the time-bound here-and-now at the end , though in some versions , as in Christianity , there is also a vision of an eschatological future when mankind , redeemed , will once again get back to the Paradisal beginning .
12 To me , he wrote on 10 February as follows , the invective being tempered by the desire expressed at the beginning that we should have in due course a prolonged tête-à-tête :
13 ( i ) Title music Combined with a title design , this is usually repeated at the beginning and the end of each programme and helps give it an identity .
14 Viewers should be clearly warned at the beginning and end of all advertising breaks .
15 The profile of the hole suggests a typical front-end investment where a considerable amount of cash is required at the beginning and then the drain on resources gets progressively less .
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