Example sentences of "[vb pp] to [art] present [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The minaret added to the present mosque is of brick and of a design to fit in with the rest of the church .
2 Women have long been politically active ; it is not something confined to the present wave of feminism .
3 Even the idea that criminals are physically distinguishable has continued to be pursued to the present day ( Hartl et al. , 1982 ) , although it later took the form of relating types of body build to personality types .
4 The MCofS have objected to the present proposal , and although the deadline for objections will have passed before you read this , I would urge all walkers and climbers who enjoy the Cuillin Hills still to send their objections to Highland Regional Council , .
5 Letters addressed to the present writer have been opened from time to time from at least 1973 to the present .
6 Its psychogenic origin was reaffirmed with the descriptions of Ryle , Sheldon , Berkman , and Venables in the 1930s , a point of view that has predominated to the present time .
7 If I recall rightly I think that it 's not that long ago that the licence was transferred to the present holder .
8 Racing was transferred to the present site in Knavesmire in 1731 with prize money of £155 for a five day meeting .
9 Giner adds that this phenomenon , common to the Southern European states , continues to be felt to the present day .
10 However , events have only moved to the present position as a result of the intransigence of the school 's management , and the reluctance to listen and respond to the concerns of a large number of parents .
11 The name of this parish is said to come from the legend that builders , on the orders of a local lord , tried to raise the church elsewhere eight times ; on each occasion finding it pulled down at night and the tools moved to the present site .
12 A proposal by producer countries to finance the plan , based on equal contributions from both sides via a levy system , was also rejected by the EC , which demanded that funds be drawn from existing assets — i.e. , in practice , from arrears owed to the present agreement by the two biggest producers , Côte d'Ivoire and Brazil .
13 Poverty among older women in Britain has endured to the present day , despite the significant political commitment given to pensions in the 1970s , which culminated in the legislation in 1975 introducing the state earnings-related pension ( SERP ) scheme and in the series of pledges to uprate pensions in line with earnings or prices whichever was the greater ( Walker , 1985a ) , policies which did result in some improvement in the relative position of older people in the national income distribution ( see below ) .
14 While there are some aspects of the redraft where it might be argued that the law has not been accurately expressed , there is no doubt that both its language and typography suggest that there are considerable improvements which could be made to the present drafting and printing of statutes in the UK .
15 Indeed , they are able to predict the zero-density frequency to a precision of 4 x 10 -14 ; from the present data , and they outline several improvements that can be made to the present apparatus , which already has a stability better than many primary caesium standards .
16 First , it must be established that sufficiently large future losses can be threatened so that , when discounted to a present value , they offset the gain from reneging in the current period .
17 It has preserved to the present day its architectural setting and character , and its medieval town walls ( twelfth and fifteenth century ) are an exceptionally complete example of their period .
18 It is this ‘ reductionism ’ , this disavowal of complexity for the sake of pursuing moral certainties or political ideals , which has lead to the present crisis of antiracist education .
19 Such sources are valuable for the wide-ranging data they provide and , particularly , for the historical dimension they add to primary data that is necessarily bound to the present day .
20 By the end of this stage , social productivity and economic efficiency would have increased at least two-fold compared to the present day .
21 An approach more suited to the present day is advocated by the UK Energy Efficiency Office which promotes the view that greater efficiency in energy use can play a major rôle is raising industry 's profitability .
22 Political marketing is no longer suited to the present situation . ’
23 In stamping the image of the ‘ dark , satanic mills ’ on English consciousness , he articulated a deep-rooted aversion to industry that has persisted to the present day .
24 Thus in Europe , the mystical Kabbalism of Isaac Luria ( d. 1572 ) had a deep and enduring influence on the thought and spirituality of Jews which has persisted to the present day , even though it may seem far in spirit from the Talmud .
25 In what follows , we shall narrow the scope of the term to something more adapted to the present purpose .
26 This pond would be linked to the present pond through the header pools , so effectively would be an extension and not a separate stand-alone pond .
27 When rented land is drawn upon for distribution proper consideration sh should be given to the present tiller .
28 The economic impact of the family of drugs that it generated will be charted to the present day ( including development costs and profits by pharmaceutical companies ) .
29 He has been one of the very few Serbs to have the courage to speak out against the kind of fanatical Serbian nationalism which has led to the present war .
30 It was removed to the present site in 1928 , but was originally built in the second half of the seventeenth century .
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