Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] the deep [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A snorkel and diving goggles have often been recommended for the deepest powder snow .
2 So the exact er nature of this balance and how waters between contact with the atmosphere are being mixed into the deep sea , cos remember this equilibrium can only be occurring in surface waters cos only they are in contact with the gas phase how that turnover of deep water 's occurring affects just how much capacity we 've got for absorbing C O two in the oceans and therefore mitigating the greenhouse effect .
3 During autumn he puts out his invisible lines that can only be seen under the microscope of the sun beams , and he is carried into the deep ocean , a balloonist travelling to an unknown destination .
4 Tom Emmett 's story is laced with thick Yorkshire dialect ; Ted Barratt , another left-arm bowler , prolific but unlucky , is rescued from the deepest obscurity of them all ; the colourful George Ulyett is seen as ‘ a sort of Victorian Ian Botham ’ , and was involved in the scandal over match-rigging on the 1881–82 tour of Australia ( to say nothing of a gatecrashing at 10 Downing Street ) ; the weird William Scotton lurks here too ; and the elegant but equally tragic Willie Bates ; and the outrageous Bobby Peel , the longest-lived of them all , by a long way , and the fourth Yorkie in the collection .
5 The pattern of staining differed in the deep lamina propria , where the density of TNF α+; cells was significantly greater in Crohn 's disease ( 118.2 cells/mm , 85.1 to 159 ) than in ulcerative colitis ( 28.8 cells/mm , 10.9 to 64.3 , p<0.0005 ) or controls ( 1.9 cells/mm , 0 to 3.8 , p<0.0001 — Fig 1B ) .
6 This way , millions of tonnes of waste each year could be pumped into the deep sea .
7 He was of Italian stock , as was the proprietor of a blues recording studio I had met in the Deep South of America .
8 And when she brought it to him , he did not take it from her , but only felt in the deep pocket stitched into its lining , and drew out a parchment rolled and sealed , which he reached across the table and laid before Iago Vaughan .
9 Water collected from the deep ocean contains gases dissolved in it when it was last at the surface and the relative proportion of these gases depends on their solubilities and their concentrations in the atmosphere .
10 From the crest of this ridge , a comprehensive view of the range unfolds : a magnificent panorama especially when the tops are under snow , the long array of peaks being seen across the deep trench of Loch Fannich which forms the southern boundary of the group over a distance of eight miles .
11 The only possible way was to the north-east and east along Glen Spean where a level contour could be maintained for nearly twenty miles until , at Tulloch , the first opportunity of circumventing the mountain barrier was presented by the deep trench of Loch Treig to the south and reached by a steep gradient .
12 He heard vespers sung in the deep dusk from his father 's church , and his heart stilled and quietened in him with wonder , as though at last he felt himself to be drawing near to the heart of a mystery .
13 During other eruptions , power crystals forged in the deep magma were scattered far and wide across the lava plains , sometimes killing the harvesters .
14 Drawn in the deeper water upstream of the suspension bridge on the Groves section and facing the boathouse , Winston used a small swimfeeder rig looking for fall-back bites on double maggot from the dace and roach .
15 Canoeists and swimmers took their chance amongst speedboats towing water skiers and wind surfers bowling along , their multicoloured sails reflected in the deep blue of the water .
16 After 5 October 1968 a poorly organised and deeply divided movement attempted to apply some of the methods used in the Deep South .
17 Ordinary Koreans wishing to see their country independent , unified and tackling its social and economic problems radically felt betrayed at the deep conservatism that distinguished the occupation .
18 Finniston admits that being plunged into the deep end of commercial decisions he inevitably made mistakes in the early stages , although he is not prepared to take the blame entirely .
19 I was certainly plunged into the deep end . ’
20 They are rewarded with the deep satisfaction of having seen a loved one through what is often the hardest period of their lives , with all its opportunities for expressing affection and support .
21 The crane jib dipped and raised over the deep hold of the ‘ Marit ’ , each time raising out a neat sling of timber like some massive lucky dip .
22 He could hardly begin to imagine what it must be like for her — everything severed , no turning back , the entire texture of her life abandoned for the deep terror of the new .
23 According to this idea , oceanic crust and sediment are subducted into the deep mantle to rise again as mantle plumes hundreds of millions of years later .
24 Huckleberry Finn has been proscribed by some American libraries because of its repeated use of the word nigger , even though it was written more than 100 years ago , it was set in the Deep South , and a central purpose of the novel was to challenge prejudices about the black man .
25 ‘ To Kill a Mockingbird ’ is set in the Deep South of Alabama , where the majority of white men will not accept Negroes into a white society and it 's not only that the Negroes do not live amongst the whites , in some cases they are treated as if they are nobody .
26 Recent exploration in the Malacca Strait has concentrated on the deep gas potential .
27 Sadly , a marriage of two people can be violated at the deepest level of trust and union .
28 The entire cycle of wealth and waste , consumption and status buying , accompanied by the deep roar of the capitalist engine turning over ever faster , needed a name by which to handle its concepts and in 1957 it got one .
29 Now , as from the times of childhood , she rode Fenna , seated in the deep hollow of the meeting place of scaled neck , veined wing and rising battlement of spine ; a throne protected from the great gale of his flight , as safe as the rocky cradle secures the foetal child , leaning back towards the bumpy spine as she had leant before , she gave herself over to their journey .
30 I would say that three months is about the maximum , and that long before this period is up the confection , like a fresh fruit sorbet stored in the deep freeze , has lost its exquisite flavour and the edge has gone from the sharp scent .
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