Example sentences of "[vb past] to deal with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Blackshirt stewards moved to deal with the interrupters .
2 Change for manual workers seems to have been handled mainly through pre-existing negotiation procedures , modified to deal with the introduction of new productive equipment on a more continuous basis .
3 However , when the trial judge came to deal with the case against the second appellant , the trial judge directed the jury that it would be open to them to interpret alleged statements by the second appellant as a confession by him that he was one of a group who assaulted the deceased , and that accordingly he would be responsible for everything done by every other member of the group that he knew was being done or was likely to be done .
4 A waiter came to deal with the mess , and while he was kneeling there Sheridan said loudly that the waiter was sneering at him and he would get him fired . ’
5 Limited waivers may particularly be required and granted to deal with the hiatus caused by unforeseen death or illness .
6 Somehow , he forgot to deal with the allegation that the Prime Minister 's stay in Candelada gave the ‘ mark of approbation ’ to the animal abuse .
7 ( RTC ) , the body empowered to deal with the country 's stricken Savings and Loans industry .
8 It may in perfect good faith have misconstrued the provisions giving it power to act so that it failed to deal with the question remitted to it and decided some question which was not remitted to it .
9 Thirdly , the defendant complains , the judge failed to deal with the problem which the jury indicated they had on returning to court after an hour 's deliberation .
10 Henry was going to add a chapter towards the end of The Complete History of Wimbledon in which he planned to deal with the failure of nerve he sensed in the place .
11 Having subdued the Fatimids and re-established his authority in Antioch , Basil then returned to deal with the challenge in the Balkans .
12 When Honorius failed to respond to the new problem , a usurper , Constantine III , decided to deal with the defence of Gaul himself .
13 He decided to deal with the problem in a way which imported a substantial element of farce into the overcharged atmosphere , although his object was not to provide light relief .
14 In the end Nigel decided to deal with the shoe boxful quickly .
15 At the beginning of his second term he started to deal with the problem by introducing people loyal to the administration at strategic levels throughout the departments .
16 They had become increasingly important , too , as legates and representatives or envoys of the pope , sent to deal with the problems of local churches and to hold councils .
17 But erm happily erm we managed to deal with the matters primarily because management agreed that we would have a meeting on a Monday and a meeting on a Thursday , both held in the afternoon , in the last hour of the working day .
18 As it was , we were often on a sticky wicket when the rummage crew had to deal with the crane drivers for a smuggling offence .
19 He was also a public figure of some note , being alderman from 1541 and lord mayor in 1550–1 , when he had to deal with the problems caused by dearth and by the 1551 ‘ calling down ’ of the coinage .
20 With the approaching end of war in 1918 coalition became more positive because the coalition now had to deal with the issues that had been put aside for the duration , and more controversial because this pushed some Unionists into outright opposition .
21 He had to deal with the cabinet . ’
22 Roger , I remember , had to deal with the tsetse fly and I suppose it 's something similar .
23 Then I was promoted to assistant cashier at the Wandsworth branch where I had to deal with the toll accounts to go to head office as well as the share accounts and the dividends .
24 Millett J had to deal with the argument that it would be a breach of the covenant if the defendant were during the remainder of the period of restraint , to solicit any business of any kind from any company which happened to have been a customer of the plaintiff company during the relevant period .
25 Kenny Milne , who had to deal with the vagaries of a vicious swirl when he threw in at the lineout , thought that the Hastings ' boot was the big difference between the games against France and Wales .
26 The centrality of the ‘ family ’ in these conservative perceptions , and the double-edged nature of the disciplines advocated to deal with the problem , were illustrated in an editorial in the Wall Street Journal ( Europe ) of 17 January 1989 .
27 What is immediately notable , however , is that Mary 's own subjects , the Scots — that is , those in Scotland left to deal with the crisis created by her deposition in 1567 and flight to England in 1568 , rather than Catholic exiles like Blackwood and the bishop of Ross , on whom there were no restraints — had the good sense to keep as quiet as possible .
28 But the magistrates at Thame , Oxfordshire , refused to deal with the case in his absence .
29 Where the employer refused to deal with the union , the possibility of eventual violence was always high .
30 In a recent book , Lumsden & Wilson ( 1981 ) attempted to deal with the issue mathematically .
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