Example sentences of "[vb past] led to a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Earlier reports that Chancellor Kohl had suggested delaying fixing the date for a special EC conference on monetary union for a year had led to a stark and none too veiled warning from the President of the European Commission , Mr Jacques Delors , that this might plunge EC relations with West Germany ‘ into a serious crisis ’ .
2 The victory by a pro-military coalition at the March 1992 general election , and the subsequent appointment of the leader of the outgoing military junta , Gen. Suchinda Kraprayoon , as Prime Minister , had led to a serious confrontation in Bangkok in May .
3 Poultry had benefited from efficient , low-cost , intensive production systems which had led to a prize competitive product .
4 The outbreak of war in January had led to a sharp reduction in oil supplies from Iraq .
5 This is revealed in the latest figures from Barclays Bank , which said that sterling 's 15 per cent devaluation and the 4 per cent fall in interest rates following the UK 's withdrawal from the exchange rate mechanism in September 1992 had led to a sharp increase in business confidence in manufacturing in the first quarter of 1993 .
6 And , after the 1988 Education Reform Act , one question was whether that reform had led to a new education service in England and Wales .
7 The end-of-year panic on discovering that other teachers had covered more had led to a general feeling that the quicker topics were completed the better .
8 This sort of nonsense could have been fairly innocuous had it not been for the fact that under Napoleon I , the frequent employment of courtiers in great and influential offices of state had led to a gradual isolation of the Emperor , which in turn gave too much power to those close to the throne , many of whom , it should be noted , actively worked against him in the last years of the reign .
9 ( Similar moves in Lithuania in March had led to a Soviet military clampdown against draft dodgers — see pp. 37360-61. ) relationship " with Soviet Union
10 The legislation followed the 1987 world stock market crash which had led to a controversial four-day closure of the Hong Kong stock exchange and the subsequent arrest of a number of officials on corruption charges [ see pp. 35742 ; 36764 ; and below ] .
11 The persistent importance of the group , which had led to a strong sense of communal identity since the Tokugawa period , could also produce schism within society .
12 Rowntree 's later study in York ( Rowntree , 1941 ) suggested that the introduction of widow 's benefits had led to a substantial decrease in the extent of poverty among lone mothers .
13 The heterogeneous nature of its object had led to a heterogeneous discipline , and it was only by making literariness the object of its enquiry that literary science could exist as an independent and indeed as a coherent and systematic type of study .
14 The first part of our study , which was reported in the October 1992 issue of ACCOUNTANCY ( see p 13 ) , demonstrated that over this five year period the combined effects of mergers among the large audit firms and voluntary auditor switches among listed companies had led to a significant increase in seller concentration .
15 The report further claimed that the deteriorating security situation in Sind had led to a large flow of capital and industry out of Karachi , Pakistan 's largest city and a major port , during January and February .
16 A general rise in crime had also been reported since the beginning of the year , following an amnesty which had led to a large number of convicted offenders being released from prison [ see p. 37192 ] .
17 The reduction in numbers was still startlingly small — for example , even after the convertibility crisis of 1947 had led to a further downward revision of the targets for 31 March 1948 , there were still 937,000 in uniform , supported by 350,000 in supplying industries .
18 It appeared that the expedient solution proposed by the District in 1930 for the Bedfordshire scheme had led to a further concession in Cambridgeshire in 1932 and by 1937 had been developed into a strategy for the development of adult education in rural areas for which the Board ‘ … visualised the Rural Areas Scheme as an eight counties one ’ .
19 Meanwhile successive years of minimal house building had led to a national housing shortage , variously estimated at between 400,000 and 800,000 dwellings .
20 The status and function of these courts came into question during one of the most critical of these enquiries , that presided over by Lord Wilberforce in 1972 into the dispute about miners ' pay which had led to a widespread stoppage of work .
21 Pravda 's financial difficulties had led to a brief suspension in March [ see pp. 38825 ; 38874 ] , but its pro-communist line had changed little since its reappearance following a ban in August 1991 for alleged support for the attempted coup [ see pp. 38418 ] .
22 In July 1990 the Sejm declared that " the actions of [ then Prime Minister and PUWP politburo member ] Mieczyslaw Rakowski 's government [ in 1988-1989 ] had led to a fundamental aggravation of the crisis of Poland 's economy " .
23 Intensive farming techniques had led to a rapid decline in hare numbers during the 1960s and 70s , as traditional hare habitats were destroyed .
24 This had led to a lengthy series of negotiations over the sort of contracts which should bind printers in his new plant .
25 One major lesson drawn from the 1981 riots in Britain by the authorities was that this style of policing had led to a growing gulf between the police and the communities in which it worked .
26 The Gascons themselves were well aware that the 1259 treaty had led to an immediate change in their status .
27 India 's deteriorating foreign exchange situation had forced the government to adopt drastic import curbs in March [ see p. 38151 ] , which had led to an immediate reduction in the import of manufacturing components and metals .
28 A series of tripartite meetings between the federal Prime Minister , Marian Calfa , and the Prime Ministers of the Czech and Slovak republics , Petr Pithart and Vladimir Meciar , had led to an initial agreement on Nov. 13 .
29 Further , he became aware that the district has incurred a financial loss on most of the courses it had arranged in the county : in 1936–37 for example the seven courses it provided had led to an aggregated deficit of £92 for the year .
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