Example sentences of "[vb past] to pay for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When she came to pay for the bill , she found that it had already been paid .
2 Money flowed to pay for the war , but control of taxation lay firmly with the commons in parliament .
3 When my father died , his brother Perry generously undertook to pay for the education of Brian and myself .
4 They will only get help if they can not easily realise savings of the person who died to pay for the bill , or if paying for the bill brought their own family savings below £500 .
5 A compromise was eventually negotiated in which the space to the west of the building , originally planned as a garden , was devoted instead to a car park and to compensate for this loss of amenity , the Historic Buildings Council then agreed to pay for the provision of the jetty and roof garden .
6 The charity continued to pay for the schoolmaster in Saltash , who fulfilled certain conditions , the sum of £6. 17s. 2d. per annum up until 1875 , when the school , run by a Mr. Williams , closed down .
7 In fact then he by that time he was living in Leeds , so he had to pay for the cost of removal from my store to Leeds .
8 The government made little effort to conceal a belief that the rural sector had to pay for the development of the urban/industrial one .
9 In this last case the prime purpose of the prize is to benefit its giver ; if Barclays Bank had to pay for the column inches of publicity that its award brings it every year , there would be no Barclay 's Prize .
10 When I complained , the company said there was a clause on the processing envelope that said if anything went wrong , it only had to pay for the film .
11 The law of the land saw to it that gentry who did not conform to the new religion had to pay for the privilege .
12 The paper went on the say that such a move would at least give the people who came into the city centre greater reassurance , even if they had to pay for the privilege .
13 However , despite the fact that I had to pay for the survey , the society will not allow me to have a copy of the report .
14 No , and she had to pay for the petrol .
15 The local communities had to pay for the equipment of the men selected and their expenses until they reached the county boundary , after which they served at the king 's wages .
16 It 's very difficult , I had to pay for the sheep when the Chichester was here .
17 The bank had to pay for the account-holder 's loss .
18 We had to pay for the doctor .
19 I was sad about this because I am a clubbable person by nature , and have never regarded a game of golf as anything but an occasion of pleasurable social exchange ; but an end to Muirfield was the price I had to pay for the championing of Meehan 's cause .
20 Since Iran refused to pay for the TOW missiles until they were delivered a Saudi Arabian middleman called Adnan Khashoggi , whose social lifestyle and divorce proceedings help fill the pages of the tabloid press , put up a bridging loan of $5 million .
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