Example sentences of "[vb past] aware [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was a part of becoming adult that I grew aware of the great invisible universe of personality which controls us as surely as do physical laws .
2 ‘ I 'll just feel the cervix , ’ she said , and as Yvette became aware of the gentle examination , she opened her eyes and gave a doleful little whimper .
3 The times that followed , they were almost as bad … and as he grew older , he became aware of the deep wounds his mother had suffered .
4 Goebbels 's rhetoric that ‘ the German people has never looked up to its Führer so full of belief as in the days and hours that it became aware of the entire burden of this struggle for our life ’ , and that far from being discouraged ‘ it stood all the more firmly and unerringly behind his great aims ’ , sounded even emptier than usual .
5 About 18 months ago , she became aware of the successful development of sales of the product in Germany and Sweden and began her project which now hinges on a decision to be made by Perth and Kinross District council today .
6 As I fiddled frantically with buttons that would n't depress and a monopod that would n't telescope downwards so I could actually see what professional fingers find in the dark , I became aware of the incredulous stare of a Japanese with an even bigger lens than mine .
7 Montgomery became aware of the absolute stillness of Sergeant Bird beside him , even as his own body under a rather creased white shirt held its vital functions in abeyance , blood crawling sluggishly through arteries and veins , diaphragm petrified .
8 He became aware of the disapproving looks his noisy party were receiving from some of the older locals who had drifted in over the last hour .
9 Exhausted by their exertions , the pace of their battle slowed , and both became aware of the burning sexual need which had been ignited inside them .
10 They also became aware of the low regard in which the farm worker is held outside their own rural area .
11 Cameras in the Lords seemed to cause no great problems : perhaps some of their major debates were better attended and persistent viewers became aware of the varied quality of the contributions to debates .
12 It was just around this stage that I became aware of the first footman beside me , who whispered : ‘ Miss Kenton would like a word with you , sir .
13 Just for a moment she froze in shock , then became aware of the speculative attention turned her way .
14 In this enquiry , the teacher added to the information available ; became aware of the different possibilities of viewdata ; learned how to exploit viewdata ; and provided the class with an interesting and lively activity .
15 Then gradually she became aware of the demanding nature of his kiss and her own desire flared to match his .
16 There was a moment of profound , intense stillness , and in the breathless silence that followed she became aware of the heavy thumping of her heart against her ribcage , the rapid , quick-fire beat of her pulse .
17 When conservative academics eventually became aware of the supposed invasion , they viewed it with alarm , as a threat to their , and their students ' , proper activity of reading , studying , and enjoying literature .
18 He became aware of the excessive beating of his heart , and remembered the attendant 's advice not to overdo it on his first visit .
19 Both Palestrina and Victoria toward the end of their lives became aware of the festive possibilities of the Venetian double-choral effect , Palestrina in the Mass ‘ Laudate l ) ominum ’ and a number of motets , Victoria in the already mentioned Missa pro victoria and the three Marian Masses published with it ( Madrid , 1600 ) , all of which have organ accompaniment .
20 Much of it was part of large estates owned by members of the landed aristocracy , who became aware of the potential wealth beneath their holdings .
21 Outside Germany , a wider public became aware of the younger , refurbished band when Karajan toured the nine Beethoven symphonies in 1961 before the integral recording for Deutsche Grammophon which pioneered the idea of the ‘ subscription set ’ in the new stereo age .
22 When Veronica Sive first became interested in photography through a friend 's guidance , she became aware of the basic elements of the new medium .
23 Her heart had been beating painfully fast , and now she became aware of the rapid pulse in Travis 's neck where her cheek rested against it .
24 Sam became aware for the first time how bad he smelled .
25 However , we became aware in the late 1980s of the need to address a wider definition of publishing beyond the print-based expectation that has held sway since Gutenberg .
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