Example sentences of "[vb past] along to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In no mood now to finish her work , she stalked along to the kitchen .
2 No sound came from the garden , so she crept along to the gate and squeezed herself under .
3 English Shakespeare Company , Darlington Civic Theatre A RATHER timid audience still shaken from the English Shakespeare Company 's new version of Macbeth ventured along to the opening night of the old romantic favourite Twelfth Night , apprehensive at what was in store this time around .
4 Rory straightened his tie , and with his whisky still burning in his throat , and now his stomach too , he moved along to the gap in the curtains and slid through , back into the ballroom , where people sat drinking at long wooden tables and groups of dancers went whirling round in complicated , ever-changing patterns , all flowing dresses and clasping hands and big red sweaty faces and white shirts and ties and narrow trousers or — even worse — kilts .
5 I moved along to the patio window .
6 I sauntered along to the control area , trying to be at ease .
7 Praying , as she sidled along to the changing-room , that no one would ever know how utterly wrong she had been …
8 Er Diamonds was the name of the farm or the place and then it came along to the lighthouse corner .
9 They rented a flat on the top floor of Sylvia Court at English Bay , and often came along to the Hotel Vancouver for lunch .
10 And , to be honest , the motivation was gained from the reaction of friends and people who came along to the gigs , because I do n't always have a lot of confidence in what I do .
11 And having spoken to her on Saturday when she came along to the energy conservation stall I intend to invite her if it 's alright with the meeting to our next meeting which is on the ninth of February to discuss how the Greens can help how the University Greens can help us with that demonstration .
12 Camping in tents and cooped up in those magnificent mobile ovens , the crews were understandably as short on fuse as they were long on indestructibility and tantrums were as common as stones through the windscreen , the motley band continued their unsung way across the tropic of Cancer while those celebrated and sponsored Paris-Dakar counterparts roared along to the west .
13 She trotted along to the kitchen , but when she reached it , she stopped and listened carefully before opening the door .
14 With a sigh , for things vaguely wrong with her life , she walked along to the lounge where she found Feargal 's mother .
15 Morse thanked the man , and walked along to the ramp at the side of the flats , and down to a concreted area where five garages directly in front of him shielded the immediate view .
16 I walked along to the door and turned the handle .
17 He knocked out his pipe , climbed the steps to the road and walked along to the house .
18 I stumbled along to the trough to shave in the icy water , and without a mirror managed to remove what little stubble there was on my cheeks .
19 Forster scrambled along to the telegraph and rang the order .
20 And just to show the Brownies he really was their friend , Farmer Bolsover sent along to the barn for them all the apples Penny had shaken from the tree she had climbed in his orchard !
21 You know , I wonder what would happen , if you went along to the Norfolk Street Police Station and said , will you please give us the name of our local policeman .
22 The opening round of fixtures brings together fierce rivals Pegasus and Portadown on Saturday , and two of Ireland 's rising young starts , Lyndsey McVicar and Claire McMahon — who will be training alongside each other for most of the season in preparation for the finals but who will face each other in the first league fixture — went along to the Ulster Garages at Belfast 's Boucher Road , to help launch details .
23 I went along to the surgery of Rother Valley MP Peter Hardy , who was resident in one of the safest Labour seats in the country , and despite all that had gone before he was able to say , ‘ This has nothing to do with the people around here — it all happens in London ’ .
24 Thinking about this one morning in 1954 , I went along to the keeper of the laboratory chemical stores and asked him for something which was water-soluble and formed needle crystals .
25 Dot got up and went along to the kitchen for Mrs Parvis 's High Tea .
26 Athelstan shook himself , dressed , and went along to the kitchen to beg from a startled maid a bowl of hot water , a clean napkin and some salt with which to scrub his teeth .
27 Juliet went along to the kitchen where the kettle was usually boiling .
28 The ace cyclist went along to the Glover 's Lane Surgery in Netherton to start a week of Health Promotion events .
29 I went along to the dining car where I found that Zak had already positioned some of the actors at the tables for the cocktail-hour double-length scene .
30 I changed into Tommy 's uniform in my roomette and went along to the dining car where Emil , Oliver and Cathy welcomed me casually as if I were an accepted part of the crew .
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