Example sentences of "[vb past] about in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The feathers moved about in the current of air that blew in under the door .
2 Richard moved about in the bathroom ; the light hurt my eyes so I turned on my stomach and hid my face in the pillow .
3 As Carol Jackson moved about in the kitchen she could hear the steady burble of conversation , punctuated every so often by a laugh .
4 Donna twisted about in the bath , sending water sloshing over the edge and on to the cork-tiled floor .
5 The CCA 1974 came about in the wake of the Crowther Committee Report on Consumer Credit ( 1971 ) Cmnd 4596 .
6 It is a matter of recent history that the constant repetition of lies in Central Europe led to the tragedy which came about in the years 1939 to 1945 . ’
7 She said : " I felt at an earlier stage there were enough moderate Africans who could have taken their place alongside whites in government and there would have been much more evolution towards African leadership than the revolution that came about in the end .
8 He banged about in the scullery , hunting for wire .
9 So he 'd sort of had a well I suppose he 'd messed around helped and played about in the smithy .
10 Now , they dragged one of the local lochs and they poked about in the river but they found nothing .
11 Having discovered where Gabriel slept , he poked about in the hollow of the pageant cart , gathering up the tributes and luxuries that had found their way down into the dark .
12 She poked about in the brambles and wagged her tail .
13 Later she dug about in the fridge ; and although the result was depressing , she did find and consume two pots of yoghurt , a hunk of cheese and a slice of ham which had begun to curl up at its edges .
14 When we reached the house , however , he rummaged about in the office for a while complaining that he could never find anything on Dee-Dee 's days off and eventually brought a paper into the dining-room , plonked it on the table and instructed me to sign .
15 The way to make NoS popular was to put lots of people in it They could be used to bring home the sort of things which should be exposed and campaigned about in the paper — like housing conditions , or unemployment .
16 Mary was the only one of them , as far as he knew , who had ever walked to the village and walked about in the village when she got there .
17 A gambler by instinct , Chéron listened to the gossip and hung about in the artists ' cafés .
18 Marie hung about in the middle of the road , looking in .
19 Usually Pete liked to look down and watch the traffic from the window in the living room but today he bobbed about in the kitchen until Mum filled the basin with hot soapy water and scrubbed the driving wheel clean .
20 Technology is , however , not a neutral ‘ thing ’ that arises out of disinterested scientific inquiry and which must then be accommodated , responded to , decided about in the society .
21 Our small cortège milled about in the courtyard near the large double-barred gate of the palace .
22 A pure white butterfly tossed about in the light on the edge of the lake .
23 He jerked his poncho up , felt about in the pocket of his filthy jeans and produced a screwed-up bit of paper which he handed to Ward with a few muttered words .
24 The donkeys , the little white donkeys of Cairo , lay about in the road and on the pavement among the huge green stacks of berseem brought there for their dinner by forage camels .
25 Cassowary heaved about in the grass .
26 When you 're having another one of those parties I read about in the Sport .
27 Events seen on the television the might before , or read about in the day 's newspaper , or relayed as they happen to police stations throughout the province over the MSX machine , naturally facilitate talk on sensitive topics or cam be used as contextually related props to achieve the same end .
28 We do believe however that mutually rewarding relationships with colleagues , with pupils and with the parents of our pupils can only really be developed within their local political context , rather than by being researched , reported on and learned about in the abstract .
29 Once or twice Allen loosed off an arrow at a scampering squirrel , more in play than with any idea of hitting it , and then scrabbled about in the undergrowth to recover the shaft .
30 All through the summer he ran about in the meadow , chasing the shadows .
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