Example sentences of "[vb past] herself [adv] of the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm helping to set out the stalls for the hospital bazaar — should be back about midday , ’ she called , as she let herself out of the house .
2 Then she let herself out of the door and walked through the yard , muttering quietly to Ferry , so that he would know who it was .
3 Then she let herself out of the farmhouse , and started to walk .
4 Carolyn let herself out of the french windows and made her way along the trodden track to her garden , now a dug rectangle of some eight by twelve yards , backing on to the wall of Keswick 's warehouse .
5 After six o'clock , when the cheap rate had started , Karen King let herself out of the side door of Aunt Jane 's bungalow and walked the quarter of a mile to the public call box .
6 Glass in hand , she bundled herself out of the room .
7 She pulled herself back together again , and hauled herself out of the cubicle to make full use of the facilities .
8 She hauled herself out of the bath , pulled on a bathrobe and wandered through into the sitting-room .
9 As he lunged for her she threw herself out of the way and looked desperately for a way out .
10 Somehow she got herself out of the room , and up the stairs before anyone appeared to speak to her , tore off her clothes , and then hid the betraying underwear in a Gladstone bag which she later threw off Waterloo Bridge after she had left the embassy , pretending to go with Laura Parslow on her European tour , but actually having hired herself out to J. D. O'Connor , and gone to the East End .
11 She slept through the alarm and woke abruptly at seven-thirty , swearing loudly as she almost flung herself out of the bed , and reached for her house-coat .
12 Flavia flung herself out of the room .
13 She flung herself out of the kitchen and along the passage .
14 She pulled herself out of the unsealed suit and peered through the shuttle 's windows at the featureless walls of the landing bay .
15 Relaxed and without the miserable depression of the previous few evenings , Julia pulled herself out of the water , rubbed herself vigorously with the hard , thin towel Annunziata had left there for her and went to dress .
16 She eased herself out of the lounger and plopped down by the edge of the swimming-pool and plunged her aching foot , bandage and all , into the cool water .
17 He let his hand wander a little , and got it petulantly pushed away as she heaved herself out of the clutches of the chesterfield 's upholstery , and sat up on the edge of it .
18 Slowly , she heaved herself out of the sand and then , with a sickening crack she crashed back again .
19 Reluctantly she dragged herself out of the bunk and , with Ruth carrying the baby and Ernest holding on to Enoch , they went on deck .
20 Knowing that Adam was probably in the elevator on his way to the beach , Buzz hurled herself out of the kitchen and ran upstairs .
21 The single door beside her slid open , and she pushed herself out of the carriage .
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