Example sentences of "[vb past] home [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She fled home on the underground , scolding herself for being such a coward , it could all be over now if she 'd been sensible .
2 One morning I strolled home from the supermarket at the end of the road and made myself a cup of coffee .
3 Then , when he returned — which he always did , as quickly as possible , for Smugglers ' Cove ( and its occupant ) were so strong a magnet that he often drove home through the night — then she was unfailingly reassured .
4 Maggie drove home from the office .
5 Jim asked Jean eventually as they drove home in the cart .
6 ‘ Well , thank God for Beuno , ’ said Lydia as they drove home in the dark .
7 When he fetched me from hospital after my baby died , we drove home in the dark .
8 The smile froze on her face as his words , jocular though they were meant to be , slammed home with the force of a bullet .
9 As I came home on the boat , I thought : ‘ This is a good thing , a fine thing , perhaps .
10 I came home towards the end of March 1944 , in time for Leslie 's twenty-fourth birthday , though we were not able to spend it together .
11 Alan says his wife says of golfers there you are a big cup and lots of money … last week he came home with the cup but no money
12 They pushed for the statement to be brought forward to clear the air before their sons came home for the Christmas holidays at the weekend , palace sources claimed .
13 Joe and Eileen were given short compassionate leave and Stephen came home for the funeral .
14 He came home at the home did n't you ?
15 Schooldays and the void they both felt when the boys went off to boarding school , followed by the joy unconfined when they came home at the end of term .
16 Robert Asshe came home at the end of the evening performance , traces of grease-paint still on his face .
17 in the endland It was too far to go every day , so I went for the week , came home to the flat at weekends , She had squash , groundnuts , rows of beans on nylon lines She had me for the weeding .
18 ‘ Nothing different , miss , dad came home from the inn and took his belt to me . ’
19 It was over an hour before the eldest boys came home from the park , during which time Ellie was made to sit quite still and not move .
20 This week Peter Harris came home from the hospice where he 's being treated for cancer .
21 One Saturday night his father came home from the pub the worse for drink and as usual he picked on Chopper 's mother .
22 Katy was looking very pleased with herself when she came home from the nursery .
23 The Austin ten and I had that when my son came home from the army .
24 When she came home from the hospital , she had noticed new locks and bolts on the doors , front and back .
25 I came home from the hospital one day to find Johnnie all alone and desperate for physio , lying on the sitting-room floor crying his eyes out and starving hungry .
26 They came home from the sortie on Sunday knowing that the next time they sit down to pick an Under-25 international side they will be looking for three new skips .
27 Molly remembered the day he came home from the war .
28 Since he came home from the war , he ca n't get any work , see ?
29 Honey was sweet and gentle from the day she was born , so it was rather a surprise when she came home from the horse breaker with a completely changed personality .
30 That really turned my stomach , even if , I mean I remember when I was carrying , when I was carrying the twins , and he used to go out huge things you know , and so much so that if he came home in the night , right , and I was already in bed asleep , I would be able to er , he would wake me in the bedroom cos I could smell smoke on him , but he did n't smoke , but where he 'd been the pub or a night club , I smelt
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