Example sentences of "[vb past] gone [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 If it had n't been so hot , if there had been no row the night before , if Dennis had n't passed out , if I 'd fallen asleep , if any of the others had been there , if Karen had come back later , if she 'd gone straight to the pool rather than taken a shower , if any or all of these had been the case , then intercourse would not have occurred .
2 ‘ We 'd have had a visit if she 'd gone straight to the nearest phone , ’ Goldman observed .
3 ‘ It 's all right — I was n't at all happy about the arrangements either , ’ Laura agreed , before explaining that when Ross had returned to New York he 'd gone straight to the hospital from the airport , before eventually returning to the empty apartment .
4 I was listening engrossed to the woman I was walking to work with , who the night before had found two night-screws stretched out on the desk in a passionate embrace when she 'd gone downstairs to the office to ask for a Tampax .
5 I 'd gone across to the old folks ' home to have a chat with Maureen and , inevitably , I was telling her about the trouble I was having .
6 Before we 'd gone far from the hut we had lost one of the Germans with sickness , and an hour later the Dutchman had to turn back when he had trouble with his crampons .
7 She had gone well over the half-hour .
8 He was entitled to his moment of pride ; shooting had gone well on the set of The Viking — astonishingly well considering it had been done on a ludicrously small budget and with television crews much more accustomed to slapstick children 's shows than gritty drama .
9 Called on the initiative of the ruling DEMOS coalition and approved almost unanimously by the republican Assembly on Dec. 6 , the referendum had gone ahead in the face of claims by the federal authorities that it was unconstitutional , and despite threats of economic sanctions .
10 Already I could see myself standing there , tongue-tied and grinning sheepishly , the star of a bedroom farce which had gone badly off the rails .
11 The Americans were friendly and polite , but there was no mistaking their view that Britain had gone downhill to the point that we had become an irrelevance .
12 She was still not completely used to the journey northwards to the small empty house , when for so long she had gone southwards to the big flat near Westminster Cathedral , where her mother had waited , eager to hear every detail of her day .
13 It looked as if it had gone straight over the side and into the valley .
14 Then suddenly , right out of the blue , it had gone straight down the drain .
15 The sailor had gone straight through the casement window of the Red Hart , into the street .
16 True to his brother 's word , David had gone straight for the fish cakes .
17 It struck me that in calling me his heavenly brother he had gone straight to the heart of all our missionary endeavours .
18 If he 'd been following me he would have to have been close because I had gone straight to the camera , and I would have heard him , even in the wind .
19 But the market would be affected , particularly as the disappointed broker had n't hesitated to tell everyone how lucky he 'd been not to drop a packet on Dreadnought , which had gone straight to the bottom like a stone in a pond .
20 Well because A T S had gone straight to the bailiff and the courts to freeze his account .
21 It seemed that the father had gone straight from the brothel to the River and drowned himself .
22 It is clear , however , that in this case the contracting company felt extremely nervous when it found that representatives of a safety committee had gone straight from the employer to the ultimate operator in the field .
23 ‘ I sometimes think it 's amazing that anyone ever laughs at anything , ’ said Lydia when the cortège had gone away down the lane .
24 Mary and Reggie had gone away for the weekend , and would not be back until evening .
25 Yet nothing had gone right for the crusade .
26 She had gone right to the bank with them when she 'd discovered he 'd gone .
27 When I went to find her , however , I discovered she had gone right to the top of the house to talk to Heathcliff through his locked bedroom door , and had then climbed out on to the roof and in through his window .
28 It was found that one shot had gone right through the moored barrel .
29 At Falmouth one sunny day with Valiant , I received a frantic call from our catering officer who had gone ashore with the motor boat on a falling tide .
30 She called to Hermione and Joanna and all the girls who had gone already along the paths she had rejected , called to them to wait for her and place their steady walking boots on solid earth to catch her .
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