Example sentences of "[vb past] to take [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 We have been living in exciting times and it has needed a strong hand to keep order in the town , where all the disorderly elements tried to take advantage of the situation .
2 ‘ Your partner probably recognised you as the innocent you are — and tried to take advantage of the fact .
3 Four people were killed in Glina in several days of fighting which began on June 26 when Serbs tried to take control of the police station .
4 His responsibilities in Africa ended in 1962 and he moved to take control of the group 's European operations which were beginning to take off .
5 But in the middle of the plain of Kossovo Milosh came to take leave of the Tsar .
6 Hetty had left the shop to work in an ordnance factory soon after Sarah returned , and now to add to the misery of the two girls , Mabel went to train as an auxiliary nurse and Mrs Dyson 's sister came to take charge of the shop .
7 They had n't known her well at all , but for some inexplicable reason they seemed to take charge of the situation and to deal with it in a totally intuitive way .
8 Erm but anyway you s you started off with er with some greeting and er and er appropriate sociability erm one thing I noticed that Martin seemed to take control of the handshake and that 's something that was pointed out this morning and , and looked at and from where I was it looked as though he was keeping hold of your hand some time , you had your buyer 's guide and whatever in your other hand and you could n't , you know , bring it over and , and put yourself back into control erm and an interesting one and a , an e an example to all of us I think .
9 Thus , the value of the firm is equal to the total value of its expected future stream of cash flows , discounted to take account of the ‘ time value of money ’ ( ’ a pound tomorrow is worth less than a pound today ’ ) and risk .
10 But as society developed , men began to take control of the world and felt their separation from it ; instead of seeing themselves as deeply identified with their environment , people became aware of the personality as perspicacious to itself and as a unique , distinct entity .
11 Saunders had already hit the inside of the post in the 16th minute and Atkinson had a shot from point blank range blocked by Darren Peacock when Rangers began to take control of the opening 45 minutes .
12 People began to take notice of the miner 's conditions & inspectors from the govt. came & eventually the reports reached Parliament , where Acts were passed :
13 and in 1817 on the death of the grandfather Michael Dancer , Josiah returned to take charge of the family business , moving with it to Liverpool the following year .
14 It should have been just the incentive Ipswich needed to take control of the game but instead it was Newcastle who went in at half-time leading .
15 We never considered giving up our work with the chimps when the children were born , but it would not have been possible for us to continue without the help of the Africans — I always had two men employed to take care of the children when I went with Christophe into the forest . ’
16 Hawick is one of the main centres of Scotland 's textile industry , with mills established to take advantage of the power provided by local streams and rivers .
17 Madigan 's Millions was held back from release until American International Pictures decided to take advantage of the success of Midnight Cowboy by foisting it on to the public in 1969 in a double bill with Jon Voight 's early indiscretion , Fearless Frank , also made in 1967 .
18 Stock markets preferred to take notice of the continued strength of sterling , rather than Wall Street 's fresh tumble of nearly 50 points .
19 Like many other non-Luxembourg accountants , he applied to take advantage of the transitional regulations .
20 Samples are already in retailers throughout the country with nearly two thousand outlets being supplied from the Pattern Room , in a carefully planned introduction timed to take advantage of the main selling period during the autumn .
21 Modern graves with bright plastic flowers sought to take advantage of the saintly dust .
22 During the war the government took powers over public transport , and when the Grand Junction sought to take advantage of the good prices then being obtained for scrap metal , dismantling and disposal of the lift was forbidden .
23 Spurred by the emergence of other regional trading blocs , Argentina , Brazil , Paraguay and Uruguay — whose current governments were all broadly centre-right and committed to free markets — sought to take advantage of the " Enterprise for the Americas " initiative announced by United States President Bush in June 1990 , providing for US investment and official debt relief in an Americas-wide free-trade zone [ see p. 37526 ] .
24 David Emanuel , has an enviable clientele , but with a daughter at the College , he agreed to take charge of the charity event .
25 Initially it had been felt that some families failed to take advantage of the services offered by the welfare state and , despite the basic social services , they fell into poverty and sickness , remained ignorant of the skills and attitudes needed to cope with life and failed to find accommodation for themselves .
26 To many the Report failed to take account of the lack of homogeneity among LDCs and overlooked various NICs that had achieved success through capitalism , i.e. private enterprise .
27 In retrospect , it can be seen that NORP was a poorly planned venture which failed to take account of the poor infrastructure of Bangladesh and the vastness of the problem that it was meant to tackle .
28 By accounting for the development of the mode of production in terms of economic relations only , Marx failed to take account of the development of political forces which also have an effect on the development of the mode of production .
29 First , it failed to take account of the fact that British industry at the time was undergoing traumatic upheavals and that the impact of this upon firms had to be recognized if the need to decentralize in the first place was to be understood .
30 In Aden Nizan had learned a simple and never-to-be-forgotten lesson : that to live one 's life , as he had since the age of twelve , with the sole objective of not being a loser was an inadequate response , since it failed to take account of the political and social structures which determined the real significance of such a project .
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