Example sentences of "[vb past] together in a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was n't just the sustained rumbling growls rising to a frenzy as two dogs threatened each other then lunged together in a bitter embrace , each asserting its place in the hierarchy , the priority of its rights over the red bitch .
2 After his death his " rock band " disappeared and was last seen , rumour says , broken and tumbled together in an old wash-house .
3 I had , for the previous fifteen years , enjoyed the privilege of living in a Christian community where the charismatic question had been a lively issue , and where ‘ charismatic ’ and ‘ non-charismatic ’ ordinands lived together in a high degree of mutual trust and love .
4 The four of them — Simenon , Denyse ( re-named Denise ) , Tigy and Boule — lived together in an exhausting menage a quatre until Denise became pregnant and Simenon demanded a divorce .
5 Luke 's eyebrows drew together in a thunderous bar .
6 Her brows drew together in a formidable frown .
7 His brows drew together in a sudden spasm of irritation .
8 All manometry tracings and radionucleide transit curves were coded and analysed together in a blinded fashion after the study was closed .
9 During the Permian period , about 280 million years ago , and until the start of the Mesozoic era , the continents came together in a single mass .
10 Harriet 's brows came together in a puzzled little line .
11 The painter 's eye , the poet 's search for meaning , and the social anthropologist 's interest in the everyday came together in a unique film style which built overall impressions from the juxtaposition of detail .
12 In September 1946 , for example , parliamentarians from several countries came together in an International Committee for the Study of European Questions , which published a report in favour of union .
13 The worst elements of the Latin Quarter , little Araby , New Haiti and the Occupied Sector flowed together in an open sewer of vice , crime and callousness .
14 Because their danger was now different the men no longer walked together in a protective knot .
15 She believed it would have been the suitable punishment for killing Mrs MacAllister as the two walked together in a remote forest in March last year .
16 In London , the social circle of such characters was known as ‘ The Altogethery ’ , as they stuck together in a social mire of their own making .
17 Half a dozen craftsmen and designers worked together in a single clapper-board building .
18 ‘ Plunged into semi-darkness , I perceived , lit by a slim ray of light from an invisible sun … the compact disc player … sublime in its performance , it stood before us , seekers after perfection gathered together in a common quest for the absolute ’ .
19 The songs fell together in a muddy pool of short-sighted production : not a bad début album by any standards but this was intended to be a complete signal post in the history of popular music .
20 This brought together in a simplified form a number of remedies obtainable from a Divisional Court of the Queen 's Bench Division consisting of two or three judges .
21 In silence , Alexandra and Lyddy turned away and fumbled together in a dark corner .
22 Egg yolk lecithin ( phosophatidylcholine ) and cholesteryl oleate were dissolved in chloroform:methanol ( 2:1 ) and mixed together in a molar ratio of 25:1 as Forrest and Cushley have reported that a maximum of 5 mol% of cholesteryl ester can be incorporated into phosphatidylcholine vesicles .
23 At Jibuti we were met by Sir Sidney Barton , British Minister from Addis Ababa , by Sir Stewart Symes from Aden and Sir Harold Kittermaster from British Somaliland , and we travelled together in a special train to Addis Ababa .
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