Example sentences of "[vb past] at a [adj] level " in BNC.

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1 One notable effect the alternative social format contained lay in the assault upon the senses which occurred at a pragmatic level .
2 Turning to football , the West Indies have done nothing on an international scale , though the game is popular and played at a domestic level .
3 He was also a reformer and builder ; his reforms were far-reaching in administration and law while the arts flourished at a high level .
4 Second , just as Dear 's image of a few hundred ‘ young black criminals ’ was used to explain what happened in Handsworth , the problem of drugs was used to explain what happened at a national level .
5 These different roles played by the designs normally existed at a subconscious level , and different societies have attached more weight to one or the other .
6 were in effect suggesting that the inner psychological motivations for racism existed at a deeper level of social reality than the socially shared norms of tolerance .
7 The question of the balance of power will be debated and decided at a political level .
8 They lived at a low level of amenity for , even if they had had the wealth and knowledge to run a specialized judiciary or a hospital service , they resisted the organizational and constitutional consequences of such institutions .
9 Kuypers was the first to use this technique in studies of the brain and over the next 10 years , now in the United States , he charted at a new level of detail the connections made by the cerebral cortex with nervous elements in the brain-stem and spinal cord that control movement in a number of higher mammals .
10 Exploration of the Dalradian of Scotland for both baryte and base metal mineralisation continued at a high level .
11 During the year , SCDI hosted many such meetings and a few of our guests were The number of visitors to the Scottish Council from overseas continued at a high level .
12 During the year , SCDI hosted many such meetings and a few of our guests were The number of visitors to the Scottish Council from overseas continued at a high level .
13 This bias was particularly strong during our Pre-Campaign Wave in March when Prime Minister Thatcher visited Moscow but it continued at a reduced level throughout the final campaign .
14 The ground swell of concern continued at a sufficient level that the issue could not be ignored .
15 The key point is that the old , regulated financial systems stopped people from borrowing as much as they wanted at a given level of interest rates .
16 It had been announced on Feb. 4 that food supplies in Russia stood at a critical level , with stocks about to run out within 20-40 days .
17 In principle , it would be quite possible to argue that this sense of obligation had weakened , even if the actual volume of support between kin remained at a substantial level , because more people are now in a situation where they need support , and because the economic circumstances of the majority of the population ( by comparison with a century earlier ) are much easier .
18 Yet Lord Burghley , Master of the Wards from 1561 to 1598 , made no attempt to exploit this revenue to the full : his period of control witnessed an immediate fall in the court 's income , which remained at a low level until his son took over .
19 Foreign investment in India remained at a low level during the 1980s when compared with similar international investment elsewhere in south and south-east Asia , despite the introduction of liberalization measures in 1985-86 which had boosted industrial investment and output .
20 For many , life remained at a self-sufficient level in which food was produced with little need to create a surplus .
21 Despite similar appeals by government officials , public discontent remained at a high level , and most workers continued their strike .
22 Fertility languished at a low level into the early 1950s , seemingly appropriate to the austere circumstances and declining real wages of the time .
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