Example sentences of "[vb past] at the back of " in BNC.

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1 A tiny , half-formed thought rose at the back of Marion 's mind .
2 Her hair had been plaited and coiled at the back of her head , but there was no mistaking her for Han .
3 Having failed dismally with a bicycle pump and an unidentified device that I found at the back of my Dad 's garden shed , I stumbled across what seemed like a promising routine and set aside the whole of Boxing Day to test it out .
4 Her heart raced like a riptide ; her ears rang and lights fizzed at the back of her eyes as if she 'd just dived deep into the bosom of Ocean .
5 Giles was a pleasant companion , but even so the thought of Robert 's scorn lingered at the back of her mind .
6 ASENIOR police officer and his wife and two children escaped injury yesterday after a bomb containing up to 10lb of high explosive exploded at the back of their bungalow in Drumbo , south of Belfast .
7 A memory of the day mentioned by Joanna stirred at the back of her mind , but , not daring to examine it , she waited for Joanna to say something .
8 A large poster , spotlighted at the back of the shop , advertised the James Tissot exhibition currently showing at the art gallery .
9 A flicker of admiration showed at the back of his dark eyes .
10 Suddenly I heard the noise of an animal jumping through the window , and immediately I hid at the back of my box .
11 The weather was changing : blue-black clouds were building in the south-east and , as Wycliffe arrived at the back of the Garlands ' shop , they obscured the sun .
12 Possibly in one of the cheap wine-shops he frequented at the back of Ryn station .
13 She glanced at the back of each print , hoping for a name or a date or some other clue , but there was nothing .
14 And he 'd got a strip of steel about four inches the half inch and he stuck at the back of his , i it was a long seat that were a four of us sat on with iron legs and they stuck it in the wood and you 'd flip it and it i , you know how it would sto
15 A tiny alarm bell rang at the back of my head : could this be the classic distraction trick that comes just before a robbery ?
16 Maybe there was a draught from the window they smashed at the back of the house .
17 But she had a better way of relaxing the tightness that started at the back of her neck and spread across the crown of her head than attempting sleep .
18 Then he started to cough , forced himself to control the tickle he felt at the back of his throat .
19 Blanche stared at the back of the driver 's head to win time to think .
20 He did not raise his eyes to Melanie but stared at the backs of his hands .
21 He looked at the back of Alexei 's head and willed him to turn round .
22 He looked at the back of his head carefully for a while before speaking again .
23 She looked at the back of the easel .
24 She looked at the back of Jessica 's head , tucked sideways onto Rory 's shoulder as he drove , and she smiled .
25 Sara sat down by the bedside and looked at the back of Jenny 's head perplexedly .
26 He looked at the backs of her knees , nearly fainted with the beauty of them , and went into the drawing-room again to convalesce , holding the photograph on his big lap .
27 Three rows in front of Aldrich , on his left-hand side as he looked at the backs of their heads , sat Howard and Shirley Brown .
28 The fog was yellow and acrid and bit at the back of the throat like acid .
29 It was a magic place and the fact that one day it would belong to her lay at the back of her mind like some deep buried treasure .
30 LĂ©onie scrabbled at the back of the drawer and drew it out .
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