Example sentences of "[vb past] at [art] [adj] level " in BNC.

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1 One notable effect the alternative social format contained lay in the assault upon the senses which occurred at a pragmatic level .
2 Turning to football , the West Indies have done nothing on an international scale , though the game is popular and played at a domestic level .
3 He was also a reformer and builder ; his reforms were far-reaching in administration and law while the arts flourished at a high level .
4 Second , just as Dear 's image of a few hundred ‘ young black criminals ’ was used to explain what happened in Handsworth , the problem of drugs was used to explain what happened at a national level .
5 There the officer class , which consisted at the regimental level largely of provincial nobles with a well-developed military tradition , showed itself increasingly hostile to the purchase of commissions by rich bourgeois , even if recently ennobled , and to the invasion of the army by the power of money .
6 These different roles played by the designs normally existed at a subconscious level , and different societies have attached more weight to one or the other .
7 were in effect suggesting that the inner psychological motivations for racism existed at a deeper level of social reality than the socially shared norms of tolerance .
8 What Edwardian sociologists liked to call ‘ boy-life ’ existed at the informal level of the street-gang or more respectably in the ‘ youth club ’ movement .
9 He also protested at the general level of unemployment in the country and issued specific demands for the reinstatement of the standing of the Panamanian security forces which had been largely disarmed and reduced to a police force by the US-backed civilian government .
10 The question of the balance of power will be debated and decided at a political level .
11 It has since been pointed out by Digby McLaren ( 1970 ) that many other groups disappeared at the same level or underwent traumatic changes .
12 If so , you may look for work of the same status , remunerated at the same level , for a reasonable time , without having your compensation reduced as a result .
13 If the profit margins of manufacturers are too drastically reduced they may move their capital from the industrial to the financial sector ; if the political power of the unions is legislated against they may make their power felt at the economic level by going on strike , or at the political level by withdrawing from established parliamentary parties and so on .
14 They lived at a low level of amenity for , even if they had had the wealth and knowledge to run a specialized judiciary or a hospital service , they resisted the organizational and constitutional consequences of such institutions .
15 Kuypers was the first to use this technique in studies of the brain and over the next 10 years , now in the United States , he charted at a new level of detail the connections made by the cerebral cortex with nervous elements in the brain-stem and spinal cord that control movement in a number of higher mammals .
16 Exploration of the Dalradian of Scotland for both baryte and base metal mineralisation continued at a high level .
17 During the year , SCDI hosted many such meetings and a few of our guests were The number of visitors to the Scottish Council from overseas continued at a high level .
18 During the year , SCDI hosted many such meetings and a few of our guests were The number of visitors to the Scottish Council from overseas continued at a high level .
19 This bias was particularly strong during our Pre-Campaign Wave in March when Prime Minister Thatcher visited Moscow but it continued at a reduced level throughout the final campaign .
20 The ground swell of concern continued at a sufficient level that the issue could not be ignored .
21 The key point is that the old , regulated financial systems stopped people from borrowing as much as they wanted at a given level of interest rates .
22 It had been announced on Feb. 4 that food supplies in Russia stood at a critical level , with stocks about to run out within 20-40 days .
23 But in this period his salary , although not extravagant , was generous enough : the priest at Longdendale was allocated less than half the Master 's £10 , which stood at the higher level of salaries , ranging from £4 6 0d to £12 6 0d , at this time for such a position .
24 Private referral rates among non-fundholders , however , stayed at the same level in the two phases of the study : 27.8 in phase 1 ( 26.7 to 29.0 ) and 27.8 in phase 2 ( 26.7 to 28.9 ) , although as NHS referrals increased in the second phase this represented a reduction of 2.7% ( 1.2% to 4.2% ; χ 2 =12.89 , p<0.001 ) in the proportion of total referrals .
25 Building society repossessions last year stayed at the same levels as 1990 .
26 Both came to lead theoretically revolutionary parties , which they staffed at the higher levels with relatives or friends from their home region .
27 In principle , it would be quite possible to argue that this sense of obligation had weakened , even if the actual volume of support between kin remained at a substantial level , because more people are now in a situation where they need support , and because the economic circumstances of the majority of the population ( by comparison with a century earlier ) are much easier .
28 Yet Lord Burghley , Master of the Wards from 1561 to 1598 , made no attempt to exploit this revenue to the full : his period of control witnessed an immediate fall in the court 's income , which remained at a low level until his son took over .
29 Foreign investment in India remained at a low level during the 1980s when compared with similar international investment elsewhere in south and south-east Asia , despite the introduction of liberalization measures in 1985-86 which had boosted industrial investment and output .
30 For many , life remained at a self-sufficient level in which food was produced with little need to create a surplus .
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