Example sentences of "[vb past] the [adj] political [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The White House may have all the computer wizardry in the world , but it lacked the old-fashioned political skills required to get a $16 billion ‘ stimulus ’ package through the Senate .
2 The Unionist Party became the central political organization of the protestant — loyalist alliance .
3 The People 's Republic of the Congo achieved full independence from France as the Republic of the Congo in August 1960 , the country 's name subsequently being changed in January 1970 after the establishment of a Marxist regime in which the Congolese Party of Labour ( Parti congolais du travail — PCT ) became the sole political party .
4 The Congo achieved full independence from France as the Republic of the Congo in August 1960 , the country 's name being changed to the People 's Republic of the Congo in January 1970 after the establishment of a Marxist regime in which the Congolese Party of Labour ( PCT ) became the sole political party .
5 Market economics clearly makes a number of effective criticisms of demand management , and its emphasis on the limited competence of government to promote economic growth provides at least a valuable corrective to what became the orthodox political economy of the post-war period .
6 The poll tax was duly included in the 1987 Conservative election manifesto and after their election victory it became the dominant political issue .
7 It concluded that Sinowatz , Blecha and Gratz bore the chief political responsibility , but that other members of the government were also to blame .
8 Chemistry in Britain invited the major political parties to outline their policies for science , with reference to R&D funding , education , environment and overall strategic planning .
9 Two speeches straddled the domestic political scene this week , each of them an affirmation of the survival of the British ancien régime and of the continuing relevance of archaic institutions of the UK state .
10 What was worse , England and France supported opposing sides on this issue , so that the Schism , one of the most important factors dividing western Christianity in the years 1378–1417 , also accentuated the existing political divisions between the two countries .
11 As a result , she epitomised the successful political woman 's role as that of a ‘ supermother ’ ( Chaney 1979 ) .
12 By the end of the 1920's Labour dominated the formal political terrain .
13 For C. Wright Mills , the dominant group among the three that made up the ‘ power elite ’ which , he argued , dominated the American political process after the Second World War was that of the new military leaders ( Mills , 1956 , pp. 198–224 ) .
14 Beginning the campaign , Killip , councillor and guardian , welcomed the new political dimension of unemployment :
15 They promised to help normalize relations between Cuba and the United States , and to assist Cuban economic development , and broadly approved the modest political reforms agreed at the Cuban Communist Party 's fourth congress [ see p. 38523 ] .
16 His drive towards restructuring higher education along egalitarian lines opened up the colleges to those from less privileged ‘ proletarian ’ backgrounds and those who showed the correct political disposition .
17 By admitting the mass of the people into the competitive party system , the liberal state did not abandon its fundamental nature ; it simply opened the competitive political system to all the individuals who had been created by the competitive market society .
18 E. D. Vinogradoff has shown how local agrarian social and economic conditions shaped the collective political behaviour of peasants elected to the Fourth State Duma .
19 Mr Bush , who escaped the immediate political storm by heading for his holiday home at Camp David , praised Weinberger as ‘ a true American patriot ’ .
20 At the same time they also exploited the current political situation for their own ends .
21 Miss Fran Bennett , the group 's director , said the report showed the ‘ scale of deprivation among claimants ’ and challenged the main political parties to put tackling poverty at the top of their agendas .
22 Apart from the specific history of the status of women that Engels was proposing , he was again stressing that the status of women is not an independent fact , perhaps explained by transcendental ideas concerning the nature of men and women , but rather that men 's and women 's ideas about women were all aspects of a much wider system which included the whole political economy and its internal logic .
23 Moreover , neutrality favoured the internal political stability which , as we noted earlier , was of prime concern to Franco .
24 Likewise , our earlier analysis of the roots of Whiggery make it possible to appreciate why a Court Whig position developed after the Glorious Revolution ; there always existed such a potential for such a development , but it required the right political circumstances to enable it to come to fruition .
25 Franco 's propagandists spared no efforts to demonstrate that the international community had at last recognized the rightness of his principles , or to extol what they called the enormous political skill of the man who had foreseen the Cold War years before it became reality .
26 This body of work viewed the local political sphere , and those who operated within it , as autonomous — both from local social and political pressure and from wider constraints imposed from outside agencies and institutions .
27 Nevertheless , it is fairly clear that he saw the democratic political movement as the principal force creating this new social order , for it is the democratic regime that assigns pre-eminent value to the wellbeing of the greatest number , establishes an open and mobile society by destroying the old hierarchy of ranks , and encourages the development of trade and manufacture .
28 This was also the case around the turn of the century , when the emerging labour movement often used local political activity in particular strongholds such as East London and Sheffield to promote its aims and objectives long before it reached the national political stage .
29 In the editorial which he wrote for the last issue , he discussed the general political situation which had provoked in him a depression of spirit so different from anything he had experienced in the last fifty years as " to be a new emotion " ; but he also confessed to a feeling of staleness as editor .
30 There were other forces at work in the later Elizabethan experience which asserted the growing political importance of the Protestant gentry .
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