Example sentences of "[vb past] through [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She hauled herself out of the bath , pulled on a bathrobe and wandered through into the sitting-room .
2 Finally he wandered through into the kitchen , pulled off his jacket and draped it over the back of a chair .
3 Jessamy picked them up , wandered through to the kitchen and put them on the table .
4 She wandered through to the kitchen to get her bag , and checked through her notes for the name and address of the Rose Bowl 's usual wholesaler .
5 She wandered through to the study and whiled away ten minutes putting in the few remaining border pieces .
6 And with that , the taunts of the Weasel 's wife still ringing in her ears , vinegar words , she had felt so good about her allegations , now storming tears , humiliation — and not a little frightened — she fled through to the room .
7 A ruck was set up to the left of the Cambridge posts and , when Smith flicked the ball out to the right , Hein charged through on the overlap to score behind the posts .
8 Panting breathlessly , she turned from the door and moved through to the hall , where Donna was trying to make her way down the stairs .
9 They moved through to the drawing room and Alice Mair opened the french windows leading to the patio .
10 And erm got through to the treasury and goodness knows else and they said erm she got ta open a separate bank account of her own .
11 People got through to the Prince who should not have , and those who should have did n't .
12 Meanwhile , Noel Weir of Rathfriland got through to the singles final with a 21-7 victory over an out-of-touch Noel O'Hara from Herbert Park .
13 But I must have felt the need for some support , because I found I 'd grabbed hold of one of my hammers — a geologist is always armed with a hammer — and when I got through to the back of the house he was there already , at the kitchen window . ’
14 He got through to the base camp to find out when the chap was coming to fix it .
15 and rung the A A , so as I got through to the A A man I says erm , you know , I says I , where I was parked and all like that and where I was stood and the chap says oh I 'll get a , a van up to ya as soon as I can , but I says wait a minute , I says my car 's just arrived and Joan was the mechanic , he lifted bonnet up and touched something and you brought it down did n't you ?
16 Captain Budd got through to the police station by telephone , only to be told that the constabulary had the situation well in hand .
17 Another Darlington student , Gillian Elders , 19 , got through to the final in the kitchen design section but was unplaced .
18 They had halved the remaining distance to the burning yacht when Talbot got through to the radio-room again .
19 She rang the Sunday Herald number , placating her conscience with the thought that she might not have time to ring Tracey that evening after all ; but when she got through to the news desk , she discovered that he had taken the shuttle to Glasgow the morning before .
20 Well we 've talked football , we 've talked speedway , we 're now going to talk rugby , because if you 've been following the exploits of the Bicester Rugby Club , you 'll know they got through to the semi-finals of a big national competition , and they play that semi-final this coming Saturday .
21 which I think there were four competitors , one of whom got through to the district final and eventually to the national final that John is going to on Saturday .
22 Anyway , I got through to the finals , that was really nerve-racking , and my mum and my boyfriend came along to see me in it .
23 Aware of the constant potential threat from gangs of gunmen , their mission was to bring the food into the country and make sure it got through to the people most deserving of it .
24 According to the Tass news agency , 37 trains got through over the weekend , partly as a result of ‘ serious measures ’ by the authorities .
25 Eddie also got through in the singles with a 21–7 win over Eddie Price and Maureen Fearon , the Irish international bowler from Dungannon beat L. Hill 21–17 and then teamed up with Fra Brady to beat A and M Hoey in the mixed pairs .
26 Another bullet fired from the same revolver had entered the outside of the driver 's ( that is , the left-hand ) door of the jeep and passed through to the edge of the driver 's seat without striking Paulette .
27 It was so pitifully easy for the customers : the temptation so hard to resist , to pick up a bar or two of chocolate from the counter , a packet of tea from the shelf , even a bag of flour , as my aunt came from behind the counter , passed through to the kitchen , down the steps into the old still-room to draw vinegar from the cask , or paraffin from the tank ( its pump rattling up-down , up-down ) , or across the yard for corn or toppings , or up the back stairs for some item kept on the little landing ; so that the shop began to make small profit or none at all .
28 Using Paradox SQL Link , native SQL statements can be embedded within programs written in the Application Language , and passed through to the database server .
29 Feeling rather conspicuous in her towel and bikini , she followed him up to the palatially decorated VIP suite , and into the bathroom — trying not to notice the bedroom they passed through on the way .
30 William Cobbet passed through during the period of expansion , and hated it !
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