Example sentences of "[vb past] concern [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 President Ion Iliescu expressed concern to the Ukrainian and Russian Presidents on March 19 over the course of events and protested against the actions of Cossack forces .
2 Opposition leaders , however , expressed concern at the continuing military disruption of the transition period , and questioned whether effective action would be taken against the military .
3 Maxime Ferrari , chair of the opposition exile group Rally of the Seychelles People for Democracy , expressed concern at the slow pace of the proposed reform process .
4 The group expressed concern at the distorted presentation of issues by the mass media , and urged churches to develop closer dialogue with the media and press for fair reporting and a greater sense of social responsibility .
5 The UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher expressed concern at the constitutional implications of the judgment but pointed out that it was left to UK courts to decide whether to exercise the powers .
6 Councillors were told anglers spoiled the enjoyment of members of the public who liked to stroll around the lakes , and labour councillor Owen Granfield expressed concern over the environmental impact of stocking fish into park lakes .
7 In July 1987 , for example , the Soviet Foreign Ministry expressed concern over the new Turkish-American ‘ agreement on economic and defence cooperation ’ which defines the American military presence in that country until 1990 .
8 In a pre-Forum meeting between Australia and New Zealand , Australia expressed concern over the continuing allegations of human rights abuses by Papua New Guinea on Bougainville , where a secessionist guerrilla war had been in progress since 1989 .
9 Hawke , whose visit was scheduled to take place in October to link in with the Commonwealth heads of government meeting in Harare , expressed concern over the slow pace of reform .
10 On Aug. 18 , 1989 , a United States congressional delegation expressed concern about the continued abuse of human rights in Turkey .
11 Resolutions on Palestine and on Lebanon expressed concern about the continued transfer of Jews to Israeli-occupied territories and about the Israeli occupation of parts of southern Lebanon , calling for Israeli withdrawal .
12 We expressed concern about the poor quality of head-staff relationships in some schools , admittedly not always the fault of the head but often a consequence of an indefensible degree of autocratic behaviour .
13 Speakers at the annual conference of the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities at Dunblane voiced concern about the planned reorganisation of local government being handled by the Scottish Office instead of by an independent commission as in England .
14 SHARES in Wellcome collapsed 72p to 818p yesterday after the drug group 's Scottish chairman , Sir Alistair Frame , voiced concern at the current healthcare reform agenda .
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