Example sentences of "[vb past] arrive at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Boy thought that this had been in some ways the perfect night , the best that he had ever had since he 'd arrived at The Bar .
2 Of course there was the occasional hiccup , such as when they 'd arrived at the nightclub to see a particularly gorgeous girl whom the Press had linked with Ace in the past .
3 We 'd arrived at the zoo .
4 He 'd fucking had his dinner at six o'clock , I do n't even know what I rang the club later , I tell you like , twenty past he 'd arrived at the club and he was early , where 'd you go ?
5 There were so many people in the room that you could not pass a needle between them , so how it was that the Gypsy Kings , carrying large musical instruments and followed by a television crew , came to arrive at the dinner table unmaimed , must remain a mystery for ever .
6 No doubt their slowness , coupled with the initial inertia of the judges , meant that the exhibition had to remain intact , seriously hampering preparations for the exhibition of models for the Wellington monument which began to arrive at the hall the day after the Government Offices exhibition closed .
7 A cold wind had picked up since she had arrived at the bar and she rubbed her arms quickly before picking her way through a sea of discarded newspaper to a metal drum and ducked down behind it , her eyes riveted on the door .
8 The court heard that four soldiers — Paul Fraser , Ian Smith , Brian Sim and Sean Bland — had arrived at the pub at about 10.40 p.m. in Fraser 's white Volkswagen Sirocco and stayed there watching the title fight between boxers Chris Ewbank and Michael Watson on the television .
9 Mrs Abigail , similarly affected , believed that what she 'd been dreading all day had now come about : the parents of some child had arrived at the bungalow .
10 Envoys of Offa , however , had arrived at the court of Charlemagne affirming that this rumour was the work of men who were enemies of both Charlemagne and Offa , and had gone on their way to Rome , accompanied by Frankish envoys , to reiterate Offa 's denial of a plot against Hadrian before the pope himself .
11 They had arrived at the grave .
12 Fowler had arrived at the small-holding around lunchtime .
13 She had known as soon as they had arrived at the lodge that her heart had made the right decision , even though it felt irresponsible and utterly childish to be spending a summer like this , at her age , and after all the work she had done to put the initials MD after her name .
14 Here they were , objects of suspicion to be interrogated by the police , and not even noticed by the one or two newspaper men who had arrived at the hotel .
15 However , love or no love , Martin had arrived at the gallery one morning , with his small baby in his arms , and the news that his wife had left him , and the clear expectation of help of some kind from Clelia .
16 She was late because Crystal Daly telephoned , indignant that Brian Berg had arrived at the gallery and accused her of being MacQuillan 's mistress .
17 Well , the revels master returned , saying that some masked noble figures had arrived at the water stairs .
18 They had arrived at the wharf , which was exceedingly ill-lit .
19 Roland Hardy , prosecuting , said 24-year-old Miss Chui , from Singapore , had arrived at the university the previous month and on the day of the accident was walking home with fellow student Cedric Xavier .
20 A note had arrived at the surgery from the lady in Chester saying that after careful study of the X-rays she thought that Mr Spottiswoode 's pain might be connected with a chest problem .
21 He had arrived at the top .
22 Hugh and Prior Robert had arrived at the priory late in the evening , paid their respects to the prior , attended Vespers to do reverence to the saints of the foundation , Saints Oswald and Wulstan , and taken Herluin and his attendants into their confidence about the loss , or at the very least the misplacement , of Saint Winifred 's reliquary ; with a sharp eye , at least on Hugh 's part , for the way the news was received .
23 I had a distinct impression that many of the organisers had had professional theatre experience and that , naturally , their point of view was coloured by this , while the teachers had arrived at the point of realising the potential of drama as a tool of education .
24 A host of angry letters from women over thirty who thought themselves beautiful had arrived at the office .
25 Marrakesh has long been a winter watering hole for the rich , the chic and the famous and the Shah had arrived at the height of the tourist season .
26 Christopher Taylor blinked back tears as he described how he had arrived at the hospital to find his son , seven-week-old Liam , had suffered a mysterious collapse .
27 One normally expects to see all the best opera , ballet and musical talent on this tour , but our group had arrived at the tail-end of a meeting of Comecon heads of state , the National Gymnastics Championships were in full swing and quite unexpectedly , a British delegation led by Sir Geoffrey Howe had arrived for peace talks .
28 The death sentences were commuted at the end of 1849 , but only when the prisoners had arrived at the place of execution and been led to believe , as Dostoevsky put it , that they " had no more than a minute left to live " .
29 She spoke to reporters from a ‘ secret location ’ at the weekend , describing how Mrs Mandela had arrived at the house early in the morning .
30 Miss Kenton and my father had arrived at the house at more or less the same time — that is to say , the spring of 1922 — as a consequence of my losing at one stroke the previous housekeeper and under-butler .
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