Example sentences of "[vb past] himself [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He weighed himself on the bathroom scales .
2 Mia Bardolet , who was responsible for the first ever victory of Ford 's Escort Cosworth , found himself without a contract this year and Opel snapped him up .
3 When the dust of the election battle settled , Terence O'Neill found himself with a minority government and the support of only eleven of the Unionist backbenchers .
4 Somehow they had found out that there was a prisoner in the hospital and Eric suddenly found himself with a guard of three carabinieri who were ordered to watch over him night and day and never let him out of their sight until arrangements could be made to send him to Germany .
5 Tynemouth went further ahead after the interval when Jonathan Thomson found himself with a scoring opportunity after a rare mistake by Lee .
6 He found himself with the duty of helping to make a vital decision for the Church of England at a moment in its destiny .
7 Edrich and Close soon went , and on two occasions Roberts found himself on a hat-trick ; the second time , Selvey edged to Greenidge at slip — and he dropped morning was fine and only one more run was added .
8 McLeish found himself on the verge of suggesting that a thoroughly unpleasant time in a New York jail might succeed in curing Tristram where all other methods , including exhortation , loving family support and a spell in a comfortable private hospital in Devon , had failed .
9 He ran the company as if he had suddenly and unexpectedly found himself on the footplate of a runaway engine .
10 When the election was won , most handsomely , Pym found himself on the backbenches .
11 By the beginning of 1957 Franco found himself on the horns of a dilemma : both change and immobilism implied a high degree of risk for his continuation in power .
12 For Hamed , the eldest son of Um Hamed , who found himself on the shelf quite unexpectedly and yet was ready to marry .
13 Thus Jeffrey found himself on the Island of Sombrero in the Leeward group .
14 Presently , by what caprice of Providence he never knew , he found himself on the street that led to his lodgings , and stumbled towards it .
15 He chased them in Australia last year , tried to hunt them down at the Arms Park in the World Cup , but found himself on the end of the heaviest Welsh defeats home and away .
16 So Bobby found himself on the carpet — on the silk dressing gown — and on Rachel !
17 Pollock found himself as a painter during the 1940s .
18 Cornelius found himself at a door .
19 Although Phil had been slightly reserved in his manner towards her ( Nancy ) , she knew that that was his way and she was enjoying the company of that wiry , small-boned , gently spoken citizen from Sacramento who almost invariably found himself at the back of every queue that ever formed itself .
20 Ramsay , who found himself at the head of nearly a thousand men of Lothian , largely Lindsays — whose chief , Sir David , Keeper of Edinburgh Castle , was sick and so not present — Setons , Hepburns , Sinclairs , Keiths and other lesser clans , as well as his own men , offered to ride fast for the Borderland , to join Scott of Rankilburn whom Douglas had alerted to watch Dunbar ; together they would make up a force large enough to give that Earl pause .
21 As though his feet were programmed he found himself at the Incident Room .
22 A classic example was when he found himself at the centre of media and national attention after taking over the chairmanship of the troubled Westland Group in June 1985 .
23 For a further four years , Sukarno found himself at the centre of a political maelstrom of which the outcome seemed obscure .
24 The next he had been jerked fully awake and found himself at the centre of a circle of strange , hostile creatures , the like of which he had never seen in his life .
25 He turned the corner , and found himself at the front of the house , which had a mountingblock , well chalked .
26 Three narrow and thoroughly encouraging defeats ( 1–0 , 5–0 , 9–0 ) kicked off the 55/56 season and raffle winner Sid Beamish found himself at the helm .
27 To reach Ariel and her mother , he had to cross the stream ; he did so , night after night , using stepping stones over unearthly flashes of phosphorescence in the water , and stepping up on to the further bank , still unwilling , still keeping his mind on Rebecca and the love he had sworn to her , until once more he found himself at the entrance of Ariel 's cabin , once more gave orders to the guard to leave him , and entered to speak to her , disturbing her rest , though she had come to expect his call ; then after their unsatisfactory exchanges , he would lift the fronds at the entrance and leave again , only to succumb once more , and toss himself off in rage and helplessness , before he skulked back to Belmont .
28 He did n't believe it up to the moment that he found himself outside a half-house that had once been graced by a classical loggia .
29 Without being aware of getting there he found himself outside the printer 's shop .
30 Everyone started talking at once , and Mr Appin found himself in a storm of angry questions .
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