Example sentences of "[vb past] meet the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Bill Loveluck-Edwards , voted best-dressed solicitor in town two years ago , failed to meet the high standards required by the bench in Bridgend , Mid Glamorgan .
2 Nevertheless , and irrespective of the debate on the degree of influence of annual weather variations on long-term ozone trends , the fact that 101 areas in the country failed to meet the 0.12 ppm ozone standard in 1988 is extremely worrying .
3 Had Edward in fact planned to meet the French army ?
4 The voters , in other words , had not moved solidly to the right , their position was one of ambivalence ; they had become deeply sceptical about the role of government and yet they still expected government to aid them as they tried to meet the pressing problems of modern life .
5 She found herself gazing with fascination at his hair , which curled slightly against his collar , before her gaze rose to meet the full impact of his startlingly blue gaze .
6 When I met her , I thought I 'd met the ideal woman .
7 The two Hearthwares turned to meet the new foes , but Bicker 's blade had already slid into the throat of one , and Isay 's staff had split the skull of the other like a bruised apple .
8 The number of Germans registering their official exit from the church — the only way to avoid the charge — surged to a record last year as people sought to offset the one-off ‘ solidarity surcharge ’ imposed to meet the astronomical costs of unification .
9 This time when they said their good byes they arranged to meet the following morning and so things continued .
10 I had suggested all cars would inevitably look the same , as rival designers struggled to meet the same constraints dictated by safety requirements and ever-better fuel economy .
11 The poll tax or community charge had to meet the remaining quarter .
12 Licensed deposit-takers had to meet the same requirements , but did not need to offer as wide a range of services .
13 It was here that , at the Competition for the Crown forty-two years before , Edward the First of England had met the Scots magnates and set in motion the actions which ultimately led to the Wars of Independence .
14 Years later , when Peter Handford had met the late Derek Cross , they discussed the Somerset & Dorset line .
15 On Feb. 5 the judge produced a 54-page ruling which noted that there were very few instances in US history of a President testifying in judicial or congressional proceedings , but nevertheless concluded that Poindexter had met the extensive requirements for demonstrating that Reagan 's testimony was " material " to his defence .
16 When she was ready to retreat to a country life , she chose the place where she had met the only man she had ever loved .
17 Claudia straightened her spine carefully ; that was the best bit of news since she had met the overpowering Roman Wyatt .
18 William White had worked in the office of the architect Sir George Gilbert Scott , during which time he had met the famous church architects G.F. Bodley and G.E .
19 He seemed quite a different man from the one she had met the other day across Mr. Crowther 's desk , quite different from the man who talked to Jenny this afternoon .
20 Not a few men lost teeth because they had met the big man at the wrong moment .
21 Boyd 's 12-man team visited each of the ten pits after being told by Trade President Michael Heseltine to establish if British Coal had met the prescribed criteria for closure .
22 Boyd 's team visited the ten pits after being told by the President of the Board of Trade , Michael Heseltine , to establish whether British Coal had met the prescribed criteria for closure .
23 Since Rhodes she had known ( since he told her ) how he had met the Flemish woman in Lindos ; and had equally known ( although he had not told her ) that Katelina van Borselen had somehow been persuaded or forced into commerce with him .
24 Fatima Ibrahim said that her union 's efforts to promote human rights and equality for women had met the full force of repression under different Sudanese governments since the early 1950s .
25 Thus , The Times of 17 December 1990 reported that a group of 40 of the most senior Civil Servants had met the previous weekend to discuss ‘ ways in which the government machine could respond better to national and international problems such as the threat of global climate change ’ .
26 He brought with him , among others , the new Communist Transport Minister , Charles Fiterman , whom I had met the previous week .
27 Each would be asked to notify the IMF within one month whether it agreed to its share as determined by the IMF ; each successor could formally accede to the IMF once it had met the formal conditions specified .
28 His stereotyped image of the single missionary lady was overturned with one stupendous " Wow " once he had met the outgoing Australian with the warm smile and alert interest in everything around her .
29 On large projects , particularly in heavy civil engineering , effective plant selection is crucial for effective cost control and needs to be used and controlled to meet the overall project objectives .
30 Earlier in the week Darlington council 's controlling Labour group refused to meet the all-white delegation .
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