Example sentences of "[vb past] lead to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The door was open , and as there was no reply to our knocking , we walked in and along the corridor which I knew led to the main living quarters .
2 Mink keeping in the past did lead to the temporary establishment of wild mink — the escape occurred at Womdale , in Shetland when the winds blew a hut through the farmer 's perimeter fence , liberating a number of unmated female mink .
3 But on the North American mainland , colonies had been affected very little by the earlier wars among European countries ; except for the brief clash that had led to the Dutch loss of New Amsterdam the colonies had fought only with ill-armed Indians and had won their little wars without help from England .
4 Public revelations in the La Cutufa affair had led to the forced retirement of six generals , including Gen. Hugo Salas Wenzel , third in the Army high command , and 16 other officers .
5 The building of the Trans-Siberian , it was noted in 1900 , had led to the systematic extermination of the forests of Siberia , for the construction of the line and its stations and for fuel for the workers and engines .
6 It had been this problem which had led to the complex arrangements for picking up Ruggiero on his release .
7 It was the war which had led to the great increase in government patronage and hence also the potential for Court influence , and this was by and large a Whig war .
8 Whereas similar protests in December 1986 ( which had led to the eventual abandonment of a programme backed by the International Monetary Fumd ( IMF ) — see p. 34923 ) had focused only on economic grievances , discontent now extended to the role of Kaunda himself and to the entrenched position of the ruling United National Independence Party ( UNIP ) as the sole legal party .
9 This is made easier by the shift in the ideological climate discussed earlier , since to be too soft on those convicted would be to prolong the permissive trend which had led to the high crime levels and the chronic economic problems .
10 The University of Edinburgh has come late and abruptly to these changes , its collective mind concentrated by the need to change planning systems which had led to the sudden emergence of large , recurring deficits .
11 The Pope implied that apostolic or divine inspiration had led to the crowning , Charles was therefore ‘ crowned by God ’ .
12 This had led to the widespread belief that DIY CPE involves setting up expensive in-house training facilities with dedicated staff .
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