Example sentences of "[vb past] up [prep] the sky " in BNC.

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1 Ashley swerved towards it , but as she ran the ambulance came to a halt beside a pad where a helicopter waited , a stretcher was ferried aboard and the helicopter rose up into the sky .
2 The great beeches towered up towards the sky , their grey smooth trunks like the columns of an abbey church , and about their roots short grasses grew , gay with harebells and scentless violets among which indolently flitted small butterflies more blue than the flowers .
3 Hrun peered up at the sky .
4 Straining her eyes , Chesarynth squinted up into the sky outside the neat polished world of the dome .
5 Corbett narrowed his eyes and squinted up at the sky .
6 As dawn came up in the sky we made preparations to move back to our own lines , covering our withdrawal and keeping careful watch for any signs of the enemy .
7 An orange ball of flame ripped up into the sky , bathing the deck in light like a miniature sun .
8 As I wrapped myself in my gas cape and crouched down in a corner of the trench , I gazed up at the sky .
9 Gently rocked by the smooth , rhythmic action of the calm sea , she gazed up at the sky above .
10 He gazed up at the sky that was cloudless and dry — and a mountain that had a big peak .
11 More usually , however , each wave shows an elliptical strip of the sky , light , from the horizon , with a dark reflection in its middle ; the whole surrounded by the less dark but increasingly rich colour made up from the sky above added to the colour of the water itself .
12 The sun crept up into the sky , with the long chain of warm , golden days remaining unbroken .
13 Again it rose from its leafy perch and soared up into the sky .
14 Ruth squeezed tight her eyes and swallowed hard as the aircraft soared up into the sky .
15 I glanced up at the sky , ‘ It 's going to be light pretty soon . ’
16 Every half-minute or so , he peered over at the Loran navigation indicator — as if looking at it would make the numbers showing their position change more rapidly — then glanced up at the sky as if there was something to be divined in the matted darkness that could warn him of approaching doom .
17 As she got in , Maggie glanced up at the sky .
18 Outside again she glanced up at the sky which was a pale shade of blue .
19 He glanced up at the sky and remarked : ‘ There 's nowhere to go at this time of night ’ , at which I said that I would be going home , and moved off to the right .
20 He glanced up at the sky .
21 Jessica glanced up at the sky .
22 Then the pack of cards flew up into the sky and began to fall on Alice 's face .
23 A bullet clanged monstrously loud on a brass barrel and ricocheted up into the sky .
24 He stared up into the sky , his vision pulsing .
25 Athelstan stared up at the sky .
26 Athelstan stared up at the sky .
27 The coroner wiped his nose on the back of his hand and stared up at the sky .
28 I moved closer to the entrance to the trench , pushed aside one of the heavy pieces of wood , and looked up at the sky .
29 He looked up at the sky .
30 General ‘ Little Mac ’ McLellan sat back on his horse and looked up at the sky .
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