Example sentences of "[vb past] at [art] rate of " in BNC.

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1 Throughout the nineteenth century output per person grew at a rate of 1.5 per cent per annum .
2 Bone loss on the mandible proceeded at a rate of 2 mm per hour , resulting in erosion of the inferior border and loss of the incisor ( Fig. 1.8h ) .
3 Each trial consisted of a visual warning ( two arrowheads indicated the subject should attend to a particular area of the screen ) , a series of digits ( varying in length from 1 to 6 digits ) presented at a rate of 1.2 seconds per digit , a gap of 2 seconds , and finally a probe digit .
4 The government 's programme for 1992 aimed at a rate of gross domestic product ( GDP ) growth of 6.5 per cent , a reduction in the rate of inflation to 6-7 per cent and a strengthening of the country 's external payments position .
5 If inflation continued at the rate of 5% per annum , then by 1 January , 1992 each £100 original nominal value of the bond would be worth £110.25 and the interest due thereon in that year would be £2.205 .
6 She backed at a rate of knots , her heart slamming .
7 The general public was to be able to use the royal posts on certain of the roads out of London ; there were to be fixed rates of postage ( to defray the cost of salaried postmasters ) ; and horse posts ( which were to travel at the rate of 120 miles in twenty-four hours ) were substituted for foot posts ( which travelled at the rate of 16 or 18 miles a day ) .
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