Example sentences of "[vb past] i a [adj] look " in BNC.

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1 He gave me a strange look .
2 As the lift stopped at our floor Ira Dilworth gave me a dark look , admonishing my temerity .
3 At last I found a young doctor who gave me a curious look , but I begged him to examine Rachel , which he did , and then looked up and said , ‘ My dear lady , your daughter has bubonic plague ! ’
4 She gave me a sharp look .
5 He gave me a quizzical look , then indicated to the left side of the school .
6 One agent in North 's employ remembered being over at CIA headquarters one day when a call came in to him from North , ‘ and everybody in the room gave me a dirty look . ’
7 He gave me a long look .
8 When I was foolish enough to laugh at a preposterous and provocative statement made by Mr Dinsdale — who had surely modelled himself on Dickens 's character Mr Bounderby — he gave me a withering look and asked sarcastically : ‘ Is this a reason to laugh ? ’
9 I intended to ask the Baronessa Dulcibene why she had come to pay her last respects to this mysterious Englishman but she gave me a glassy look of non-recognition and moved rapidly away with her companion .
10 He gave me a swift look .
11 He gave me a shrewd look , clearly suspecting that I would have changed the name had I dared defy the superstition .
12 ( Oh , yes , I was a handsome rogue , tall with jet-black hair , olive-skinned but with a cast in one eye , I always thought it gave me a devil-may-care look . )
13 ‘ Yes , this is the real world , ’ I said out loud — too loud actually ; someone gave me a funny look .
14 He said , ‘ Oh , I 'm terribly sorry , Prime Minister ’ , gave me a funny look and left .
15 I thought , in my anxious state , that the orderly gave me a funny look as he left me there .
16 The Sheikha gave me a questioning look and I answered , ‘ I will stay here . ’
17 She opened her mouth and closed it again and gave me a hard look .
18 The cop gave me a hard look and moved off .
19 He gave me a sour look and growled , ‘ The whole thing 's too short , from the head down ! ’
20 She gave me a prissy look .
21 He gave me a sideways look that was curiously disconcerting , and went to the door .
22 Greenslade gave me a sideways look .
23 After two fumbled attempts Dostoevsky lands with a leap upon ‘ Il faut être prêt , voyez-vous ’ — he gave me a meaningful look — ‘ chague moment — they may come and take me , and phew ! — a man has disappeared ! ’
24 He turned his head and gave me a direct look .
25 She gave me a quick look , softened by a little smile .
26 He gave me a quick look to check that I was really there , and an even quicker look round the garden to see if there were any other responsible local citizens around to witness this triumphant affirmation of an afterlife .
27 And she gave me a significant look .
28 She gave me a puzzled look .
29 The fellow gave me a world-weary look and shook his head .
30 She shot me a demonic look , emphasized by a smile of outrageous malice .
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