Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv prt] in the early " in BNC.

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1 This is not true of Cramlington , where the basic development programme laid down in the early 1960s has continued , with only two significant changes relating to the use of industrial land and the role of the shopping centre development .
2 Massive bottle-necks built up in the early spring on the railway network , at Koslov , west of Saratov on the route to Moscow and particularly at Balashov , between Saratov and Tsaritsyn on the west side of the Volga .
3 I woke up in the early hours of the morning and it was still there — the first thing that come into my head .
4 I 'd been given a date for the baby to arrive but that came and went , but then I woke up in the early hours of the following Friday .
5 ‘ And once he woke up in the early morning , and saw a rat in the middle of the floor , looking at him .
6 Most of the true species are single-flowers , and seldom bloom beyond the one initial burst — this showed out in the early English crosses .
7 By contrast with what it saw as the corrosive and unbelieving spirit of the age , that movement was deeply concerned to recover and reinstate the ancient doctrines of the faith , especially the great dogmas hammered out in the early centuries ; and with them to restore the sense of continuity and rich unbroken tradition which found its expression especially in ritual and liturgy .
8 You got up in the early morning and helped in the farm , milked the cows , fed my cows and calves and looked the pigs , and then you 'd hens and chickens and the pet lambs and things like that .
9 John Diggins ' involvement with Tony Iommi began back in the early '70s when working with guitar builder John Birch on Tony 's original black guitar .
10 More seriously , Edward 's scheme to create a monopoly in the export of wool broke down in the early months of 1338 .
11 It seems that , although some substantial and long-standing export industries declined , others expanded their export sales over the post-war period ( although the rise slowed down in the early 1980s ) .
12 Revisionist work has still to be drawn together into a full-scale synthesis , in part no doubt , because the quantity of new doctoral research in the field slowed down in the early 1980s .
13 In Liverpool , where I grew up in the early 1960s , one could no more not have an interest in football than fly to the moon .
14 He had formed what later became the Prince 's Trust while he was in the Navy , and the grants that went out in the early years were paid for , anonymously , out of his naval allowance .
15 It was possible to get good , though restricted , shooting within an hour 's ride from Cairo and sometimes Garvin went out in the early morning before coming to the office .
16 Part of the palace was a rather plain , square , white building put up in the early 1960 's for stat visitors .
17 In manufacturing industry , productivity growth slipped back in the early 1970s in Europe and Japan ( table 11.5 ) .
18 His luck ran out in the early hours of March 4th when French Customs controls identified Sea Rover homing in towards French waters at Ushant after a passage to North Africa for another cargo .
19 With Batts and Speed we were extremely lucky … we now seem to have a glut which we had back in the early Revie days … the trouble is these days keeping them , with freedom of contract etc .
20 The ILEA 's Alternative Use of Resources ( AUR ) Scheme , set up in the early 1970s , gave schools limited control over staffing and other parts of their budget .
21 Wages councils , set up in the early 1900s , have no role to play in the 1990s , ministers argue .
22 Checkpoint Charlie , the crossing point set up in the early 1960s between East and West Berlin is to be opened to millions of people on Wednesday .
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