Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv prt] into the garden " in BNC.

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1 As we heard a description of a day in the life of the mayor , a Sikh in a green turban wandered out into the garden , brushing his teeth .
2 Leaving the happily chatting girls to pack the food , the two boys wandered out into the garden .
3 Edward , offended by the detergent , wandered out into the garden and was instantly distracted by the sound of digging from beyond the yew hedge .
4 She picked unenthusiastically at the breakfast she made for herself , and afterwards wandered out into the garden .
5 Tim climbed down the tree just as Pegs came back into the garden .
6 A string quintet played in the largest of the reception rooms , and guests spilled out into the garden in between light showers .
7 The french windows banged and Clare came out into the garden , holding a piece of toast .
8 She climbed out into the garden and crouched close to the wall , waiting for the others to follow .
9 Then together they walked out into the garden and up the path .
10 Emma glanced out into the garden .
11 We were delighted , and all rushed out into the garden to eat our lunch .
12 Instantly she rushed out into the garden to find Kirsty .
13 A door led out into the garden .
14 Instinctively , she headed for the door that led out into the garden .
15 Will got up and , as fast as his old body would allow , stormed out into the garden , leaving his children , mouths agape , behind him .
16 After a cup of cocoa Willie brushed his teeth over an aluminium bowl and then dashed out into the garden to the little wooden outhouse , wearing his mackintosh and a new pair of gumboots while Tom sheltered him with an umbrella .
17 She rose from the bed where she had spread out the rosettes , strode to the window and stared down into the garden .
18 I remember a December night : I heard the church clock strike nine as I went down into the garden — it was warm enough to walk .
19 Isabel nodded and went off into the garden .
20 Philip went out into the garden , stepping into a patch of snow that lay by the step .
21 Dorothea put on her coat and went out into the garden to cut some flowers for Eleanor .
22 One morning I went out into the garden to fetch some clothes from the washing line and walked past Gibeau , who was shooting sparrows with his assault rifle , as they fed on grain he had laid out for them .
23 She glued it back in , put the stool in the corner of the kitchen , went out into the garden to the forsythia bush , cut some branches .
24 So at last Mary went out into the garden , and played by herself under a tree .
25 Charles took a giant box of matches from the kitchen and went out into the garden .
26 Then she went out into the garden to walk around for a while and before she was aware of her own movements , found herself moving briskly , almost running , up the green slope to the sea .
27 She went out into the garden , and when she returned he was preparing to cook toast and bacon .
28 The story goes that he was watching at home with his wife but after the pile-up occurred , he could stand it no more and went out into the garden for the rest of the race .
29 He retreated to a side booth where he summoned a waiter , ordered a beer , and watched as the two men went out into the garden at the rear .
30 Tim went out into the garden .
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