Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv prt] in the car " in BNC.

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1 From London to Canterbury the traffic was solid and the fumes that built up in the car made her head ache .
2 ‘ I drove on in the car .
3 Charity bets twenty five pounds and we came down in the car from Newmarket she had the she had the post out the light everything , now what 's what 's it going on ?
4 I was n't with her all that long before the mother came back in the car .
5 It , just before we set off they came round in the car and they had a loaf for me .
6 They waltzed round in the car and they had this brown loaf warm out of the oven for me .
7 Mr Hutchinson managed to raise the alarm but the two men helped themselves to the cash and made off in the car driven by Wishart , of no fixed abode .
8 He said , ‘ That is a pity ’ , with his smiling , still mouth , and he got back in the car and drove away , and Elizabeth went back in the house , and all the day she cried , and I went away to the hills .
9 It was an illusion of tired eyes , but before he got back in the car he stood , his collar open , looking up at the sky where there was nothing to see but black , and let the water splash down on his open face , his wet shirt clinging to the skin of his chest and belly .
10 They got back in the car and drove away in the glittering traffic .
11 And of course er when an article became , when you needed an article or something broke down in the car and you needed to m=make something up on the lathe o it was made on the premises .
12 The security guard touched his cap , smiled and waved her on , and when she pulled up in the car park she found that in spite of the earliness of the hour some families had already arrived .
13 But as police stood outside the pair sped off in the car .
14 In the early hours of yesterday morning the Drumkeen Hotel at Upper Galwally , Belfast , was extensively damaged when a 200 lb car bomb went off in the car park .
15 The building was extensively damaged when a 200 lb car bomb went off in the car park .
16 No I went off in the car with They climbed over the fence .
17 He , she went out in the car with him one day last year .
18 He knew that if he went out in the car , he , he knew that the next time he might , might n't come home .
19 Philip leant back in the car .
20 Elaine leant back in the car seat to get a better look at him .
21 Well I fell over , slipped over in the car park out there , all gravelly and gritty out there and I scraped my elbow and I 've got a nasty graze all on the elbow and it 's all full of grit and muck , help
22 Once after hitching up there , I waited around in the car park until I saw him coming out — and I 'm ashamed to say I followed him home .
23 They left Margot to look after the children and set off in the car , heading for Gallanach .
24 Cos Michael started it , he said we 're never said anything when we set off in the car , and then he said that he 'd had this fax from me and er Andrew said , well it was n't actually from , er , from me to the , it was fetched up to me and I sent it in the office .
25 Detective Van Heflin stood up in the car , hat clamped to his head , firing his tommy gun from the hip .
26 A fortnight after he arrived at Cuddesdon his father set out in the car from Cambridge to Stamford .
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