Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [prep] the door " in BNC.

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1 he tried to go out the door but she reached him back , but she has n't
2 He moved to stand by the door , his head an inch from the wood .
3 The two prisoners , in their yellow raincoats , tried to get to the door , but the men in white knocked them to the floor and handcuffed their hands behind their backs .
4 He got up out of bed and then I was thinking then he had a sneaky feeling that he tried to get out the door .
5 ‘ I must leave at once ! ’ she whispered , and tried to move to the door .
6 It was the gentleman who seemed to spring to the door and open it to let the two heavily laden customers out .
7 And they forgot to knock at the door and make themselves known to the people inside .
8 Luke dropped his grip on her and turned to glance at the door , as if he intended to go and put his question to the man himself .
9 The lights came on again , and , laughing and jostling , the guests began to stream towards the door .
10 Catesby instructed us to take a bench leaning against the far wall and , though the space was narrow , we began to pound at the door like besiegers breaking into a castle .
11 Then the princess 's soldiers began to batter at the doors of the wooden fortress with their axes .
12 She began to march towards the door , but Theda ran after her and grasped her arm .
13 The crowd of playgoers began to hurry to the doors , and I ran round to open them .
14 She began to walk towards the door , but the Doctor stopped her with a look .
15 Then looking over her shoulder , she enquired , ‘ Are you coming up to see Great-gran ? ’ and began to walk towards the door .
16 When the lift doors opened she stepped quickly out into the wide service area , and began to run towards the door .
17 When she reached the bottom of the stairs , she began to run towards the door .
18 The man began to retreat towards the door under the hail — I 'm with you , girls , I want my wife to get a wage ; then if she do n't do her work , she do n't get paid — like me . ’
19 He began to move towards the door .
20 He began to move towards the door .
21 Coleby grunted and began to move towards the door .
22 He began to move to the door , but Anna took his arm .
23 Ray began to make for the door .
24 Both men started to walk towards the door .
25 Rostov started to walk towards the door .
26 She started to walk towards the door , and his deep , gravel-timbered voice held her back .
27 This was the moment when Melody chose to knock at the door and Anna 's head jerked back , away from him .
28 The young man , Martin Grant , struggling through the throng , managed to get to the door when the sirens and the flashing blue lights outside the window heralded the arrival of uniformed reinforcements .
29 My leg had gone completely to sleep and I could n't feel it at all , but I managed to hobble to the door , collecting fourpence out of my wallet , and down the stairs to the first landing where the telephone was .
30 The kitchen looked so clean and bright , and the ladies so kind and sensible , that I dared to knock at the door .
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