Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] on the head " in BNC.

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1 Charlie laughed , and gently cuffed him on the head .
2 ‘ It blew the clock off the wall and hit me on the head . ’
3 ‘ The jet-ski shot out of the water and hit me on the head .
4 His first day in 1924 watching his county , Sussex , convinced him that there is no greater moment than a big hit : ‘ As I walked into the ground a ball came bouncing off the Town Hall roof and nearly hit me on the head .
5 Bowers said : ‘ The ball hit me on the head — I did n't handle it .
6 I know , you hit me on the head .
7 The boom is the pole running across the bottom of the sail , designed to swing across the boat and hit you on the head when you try to turn .
8 Do n't sink into your shoulders as if one of the chandeliers is about to descend and hit you on the head .
9 One hot day , Jane was gardening on the other side of the hedge and one of the bees stung her on the head .
10 One day last October , as a Conservative politician , Alberto Dahik , rose to speak in Congress , a rival congressman launched a heavy glass ashtray across the chamber and hit him on the head .
11 He reached the bottom first and the teapot , a close second , hit him on the head and smashed , spilling luke-warm tea down his navy-blue shirt .
12 Luckily , it hit him on the head .
13 During their ‘ strange relationship ’ , Bryan had shot his friend in the chest with a crossbow , hit him on the head with a medieval mace and slashed at him with a sword , the judge heard .
14 He had waylaid Mr Dwerringhouse and hit him on the head to stun him , but in falling to the ground , the older man had hit his head on a large stone and sustained a fatal blow .
15 I picked up a marrowbone and hit him on the head .
16 One day a big bit of plaster fell off and hit him on the head .
17 Mr. Gilbert hit him on the head several times with the bottle and they were both kicked .
18 The man , who was Bill Sikes , seized Oliver with one strong hand and hit him on the head with the other .
19 Smith has been dismissed as ‘ presence of mind Smith ’ from his alleged remark on returning without his companion from a disastrous outing on the river : ‘ If I had not with great presence of mind hit him on the head with a boathook both would have been drowned , ’ but the story comes from Reminiscences of Oxford ( 1st edn. 1900 ) by William Tuckwell , who in his second edition ( 1907 ) consigned it to oblivion ; moreover , there was no charge of murder .
20 Does Mike have some er Georgian Hotel , look at that Christmas jokes , Daddy , Eddie 's broken my new dog how did he do that I hit him on the head with it Why is Father Christmas unemployed ?
21 James Spencer QC , prosecuting , alleged Mr Nichol approached Mrs Chandler in a field but when she ignored him he pulled her down the bank , sexually assaulted her and hit her on the head with a rock or rocks .
22 Saskia had thrown something at the third and hit it on the head .
23 Laura passed Rex the gun and Rex bopped him on the head with it .
24 They struck you on the head and left you locked inside .
25 As she was kneeling to get some tools out of a cupboard he struck her on the head with a hammer , apparently on the impulse of the moment , and then stole a wallet which he found in the house .
26 The only mishap was that in forcing himself through the gap , he nudged the twig and the falling window struck him on the head .
27 I picked up a fallen branch , and as he passed I struck him on the head .
28 Albuin , little knowing he was the king 's son , unsheathed his sword and struck him on the head
29 PC Brown struck him on the head with his truncheon in a bid to restrain him .
30 He punched her on the head and made her do pull-ups against a door frame .
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