Example sentences of "[vb past] [art] opportunity [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 It 's always been on my mind — I suppose it always will — and I 've always said that if I got the opportunity to kill the man I 'd do it , and I would take the consequences .
2 This provided the opportunity to widen the High Street .
3 The grateful colonists used the opportunity to expropriate the cattle and other assets of the fugitives .
4 In June 1982 Israel 's invasion of Lebanon provided an opportunity to destroy the PLO and mould a new Lebanese state free of Syrian , Palestinian and Soviet influence and by implication dependent on the United States .
5 Tacoma Art Museum provided an opportunity to see the work of Faith Ringold : a survey of her work over 25 years and an opportunity to hear such an important artist speak .
6 The seminar also provided an opportunity to discuss the guidelines for the additional assessment outlined in the SCOTVEC document , Implementing general SVQs : the additional assessment .
7 Pinchbeck 's return coincided with the 10th anniversary of Magnus production and he welcomed the opportunity to take the asset through a critical phase of its field life second time around .
8 Then , touched by a strange panic , she took a deep breath and grabbed the opportunity to change the subject .
9 Blanche saw the opportunity to prod the historian towards her goal .
10 He saw the opportunity to play the peace card and the moderate rearmament card at the same time , fortified by the prospect that in times of trouble the public would prefer to vote for an established Government rather than a peculiarly unknown opposition .
11 When the third coalition government to include the CEDA fell in December 1935 , Alcala Zamora seized the opportunity to exclude the party from an interim cabinet pending a new election .
12 All the firms invited to donate the custom-built models in the Dolls ' House took the opportunity to use the black and maroon colours of the royal livery on their bodywork .
13 Mr Penton took the opportunity to stress the importance of the Group 's many links with higher education and he confirmed that the company would continue to place great emphasis on the development of its staff — even in the present , extremely difficult , economic circumstances .
14 At KL by Karl Lagerfeld , Klaus Steilmann took the opportunity to harangue the audience on the enviable success of this most prestigious brand within his giant apparel-manufacturing empire .
15 As one example , we know that it was at this time that he took the opportunity to fill the vacant see of York since the canons were present and thus he could postulate and consecrate Walter Gray .
16 We took the opportunity to drive the outgoing model while we had the new one and were left in no doubt about which was the driver 's car .
17 On telecommunications , Banegas took the opportunity to criticise the government for the little interest it has shown in putting an end to the import of unauthorised pirate telephones , 3m of which are now in Spain .
18 When the site became available , the University took the opportunity to purchase the long lease for development , both as a public amenity and as accommodation for the Departments of Art History and Music .
19 I also took the opportunity to visit the regional offices of my firm in those towns where dinners were held , and this was very much appreciated by the people concerned .
20 Last year I visited Cape Town and took the opportunity to visit the Dam .
21 A similar statement was issued by the Ringaskiddy Residents ' Association ( RRA ) , which took the opportunity to inform the IDA , Cork County Council and the IIRS that they were opposing applications to dump asbestos both at Currabinny and Ringaskiddy .
22 She took the opportunity to check the tape was running .
23 The Court of Appeal in Parker v. British Airways Board took the opportunity to restate the law in a comprehensive manner and bring order to an area in which there were numerous conflicting precedents .
24 Instead he took the opportunity to read the files again and look at extracts from the visual record — films taken throughout the eight years of Kim 's stay within the Recruitment Project .
25 Her mother , Frances Shand Kydd also took the opportunity to enter the fray on behalf of her youngest daughter .
26 He took the opportunity to make the occasion a sound platform for what he wanted to say about food , farming and cross-border co-operation .
27 The local society later took the opportunity to build the new deaf centre on the bombed site .
28 Sister also took the opportunity to address the needs of the clergy who , in their pastoral work , are dealing with bereaved people at a most crucial time .
29 Indeed , the magazine took the opportunity to address the whole post-1960 transformation : " The elections of 1960 and 1988 are brackets enclosing a period of astonishing transformation — change that has placed the two campaigns in different eras .
30 In the prologues and glosses to his translations of the books of the Old Testament and his commentaries on the Epistles , Tyndale seized every opportunity to belabour the Roman Church .
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