Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [art] streets [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He grazed through the streets as if he were some sort of god , head and shoulders above everyone .
2 During the great party rallies at Nuremberg Himmler and the SS hierarchy rode through the streets on horseback , dressed in the full regalia of Teutonic knights .
3 The princes were seen from time to time when , with a strong guard , they rode through the streets of the City .
4 Another group of conscripts had on May 14 occupied the national radio station but failed to persuade staff to broadcast their demands , and on May 16 they rampaged through the streets of Abidjan firing their weapons .
5 It 's a long time since Eddie the Eagle … the clown prince of sport bounced along the streets of Cheltenham … but Britain 's one and only ski jump champion is planning a comeback …
6 The acclaim that he encountered in the streets of two Norman towns ( Isigny and Bayeux ) proved a turning point .
7 We wandered round the streets until dawn .
8 The ceasefire in the city held until Sept. 18 , when fighting erupted in the streets of Kushal Mena suburb between the Iranian-backed ( Shia ) Hezb-i-Wahdat faction and the Saudi-backed ( Sunni ) Ittehad-i-Islami .
9 The downtown antique shops which clustered in the streets off the Marktplatz sold the bric-a-brac , not of the nineteenth but of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries .
10 The pigs took care of themselves , scavenging and digging for food and eating virtually anything that they found in the streets of villages and towns alike .
11 In early September 1986 serious disorder occurred on the streets of the North Prospect Estate in the Devonport constituency of Plymouth .
12 Later in the year , violent clashes occurred on the streets of
13 His remarks would recur as he shouted across the streets to the snobbish people of Chichester .
14 He wandered around the streets in the heart of the city , past darkened buildings with odd floors of offices lit , ready , and empty .
15 Jeffries had wanted to see Baxter flogged through the streets of London , but his fellow justices would n't allow so harsh a sentence .
16 Though they understood his fury , many villagers protested as he drove through the streets with the almost-naked bodies waving grotesquely .
17 Many of the young people who came onto the streets of Bucharest on 21 December 1989 , to protest against the Father of the Nation faced a bleak future of under-employment in a poorly planned industry .
18 THE campaign to free convicted killer Kenny Carter came to the streets of Cleveland yesterday .
19 It was a bitterly cold evening but the warmth of the greetings she received on the streets over the next few days made up for it .
20 Three employees slogged around the streets of the capital in the London Marathon , and raised hundreds of pounds for charity .
21 As the world 's most famous political prisoner , his emergence at the age of 71 after 27 years in prison was a moment of jubilation for black South Africans , who poured into the streets for prolonged celebration once news of his release was confirmed .
22 None of these intellectuals attacked the regime as unequivocally as Alexander Herzen , who practically danced in the streets of London when he heard of Nicholas 's death .
23 For three days and nights she danced in the streets with the crowd .
24 ‘ When the King came recently , blood flowed in the streets from all the camels killed for him .
25 Marlin had been as solicitous as an erring husband since the attack , calling her from his office every hour or so , and several times suggesting that she might want to talk with an analyst , or at very least with one of his many friends who 'd been assaulted or mugged on the streets of Manhattan .
26 All night he walked through the streets of London .
27 Walked through the streets of London .
28 Quiroga , arrested as a suspect in 1819 , was allowed extraordinary liberties : he played billiards with brother officers , walked about the streets on parole , and Alcalá Galiano , agent of the Cadiz masons , actually passed the night in his cell .
29 Do you know that nearly nine hundred thousand people walked off the streets of Britain into Citizen Advice Bureaux last year to ask for their help on employment issues because they had no trade union ?
30 I dressed and rushed through the streets to Dana 's place , and after prolonged hammering on his door managed to wake him and tell him the news .
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