Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] the development [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These books defended Adolf Hitler 's foreign policies as no different from those of other imperialists , and argued for the development of a federal Europe , with communal control of all vital strategic areas .
2 This returns us to the earlier point about the other major forces which contributed to the development of political responses to the riots : namely the media , Parliament , the political parties , and popular ‘ common-sense ’ debate .
3 The influences which contributed to the development of this model draw on psycho-analysis , psychosocial casework , ego psychology , role theory , systems theory , family therapy , communication theory and developmental family theory ( Greene , 1986 , pp. 6–7 ) .
4 During late 1822 and early 1823 , Bentham became involved in two projects which contributed to the development of his constitutional thought .
5 The discovery of dopamine and its mode of action involved basic experiments on catecholamines in animals carried out at Oxford ; it contributed to the development of L-dopa as a treatment for Parkinson 's disease .
6 A TREND in the pharmaceutical industry towards designing drugs specifically to interact with certain molecules in the body is creating a new industry sector devoted to the development of ‘ one-handed ’ molecules .
7 In a post-war broadcast in 1946 , he referred to the development of eight-feet wide trams with resilient wheels which he hoped to introduce to Blackpool , and these were manifested in the 1952 Coronation trams .
8 The demise of the flying boat came with the development of jets and the spread of concrete runways .
9 Lacto- N -fucopentaose also activates B cells from schistosome-infected mice ( in an antigen receptor-independent manner ) , to make IL-10 , a cytokine implicated in the development of the Th2-like response evident in infected animals ( Harn ) .
10 We see this process of moving round re-enacted in the development of every young bony flatfish .
11 A system of operational efficiency comparison was also evolved by the mid-1950s , which allowed for the development of rivalry and emulation between power stations and contributed to the development of cost-consciousness .
12 But since Russia 's agriculture is a peasant agriculture … our economic policies objectively conflicted with the development of agriculture as a whole .
13 You said you interfered with the development of the Spinward Corporation .
14 This process began with the development of transistors in the 1950's .
15 Corporate restructuring on a large scale began with the development of the junk bond market in the USA in the 1980s .
16 Once the research had established the physics of these losses — and provided a great deal of general information or the physics of plasmas — Culham returned to the development of toroidal systems .
17 ‘ It just grew and grew , ’ Alan grinned as he talked about the development of the book , ‘ I soon realised that a circular including anecdotes to keep former members in touch was not possible , we had given rise to a book ! ’
18 Second , it called for the development of an " organizational and structural framework " for uniting the Iraqi opposition .
19 It called for the development of solar rural electrification programmes in the South , particularly Africa , and for the expansion of solar power in the Middle East , as a means of preventing possible conflict over water resources for hydro-electric power between Israel and her Arab neighbours or Turkey and Iraq .
20 In a banquet speech on Nov. 13 , South Korean President Roh Tae Woo said that APEC should not become an exclusive regional economic bloc , and warned against the development of competition between east Asia and north America .
21 According to Steve Bourne , now director of ONC+ Open Network Computing and network technologies at the Sun Microsystems Inc company , the process change that SunSoft Inc undertook in the development of Solaris 2 .
22 Sony Corp appointed Michael Schulhof , now vice-chairman of Sony USA Inc , to the post of president and chief executive of its US unit , which will be renamed Sony Corp of America : Schulhof joined Sony in 1974 after a mainly academic career as a physicist and worked on the development of the compact disk ; in 1989 , he became one of the first Americans to be appointed to the board of a major Japanese company .
23 The parties also agreed continuation of a multi-million-dollar joint development programme between Cypress and Ross focused on the development of a complex logic-oriented product .
24 The parties also agreed continuation of a multi-million-dollar joint development programme between Cypress and Ross focused on the development of a complex logic-oriented product .
25 David Edward Hughes , whose experiments with the ‘ printing telegraph ’ led to the development of an efficient microphone during the 1870's , has been honoured with a plaque at his former lodgings .
26 Exactly how long Hughes lived at 94 Portland Street , London , is uncertain but the first experiments which led to the development of the microphone were conducted here during 1878–80 .
27 here , the pressure of population growth within the confines of a small island of only 29 square miles led to the development of an innovatory , intensive system based on very effective soil conservation techniques — including the integration of fodder and arable crops and livestock .
28 Improved knowledge of the basic mechanisms of gastric secretion led to the development of synthetic drugs such as cimetidine and ranitidine which block the action of histamine , by occupying the histamine receptors in the parietal cell ( H2receptors ) .
29 In social research , perhaps the most famous example is that of Elton Mayo 's study of American girls in a factory , where his observations of the importance of the creation of social groups led to the development of a whole school of thought in social psychology .
30 These are the words of Hans Bethe , leader of the Theoretical Division at Los Alamos in 1943–45 ( the period that led to the development of the first atomic bombs ) in an article written in 1954 but published in 1982 ( ’ Comments on the history of the H-bomb ’ , Los Alamos Science , fall edition 1982 ) .
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