Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] the far end " in BNC.

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1 Maidstone turned and shouted towards the far end of the bar : ‘ Franco ! ’
2 During the night a couple of German shells crashed into the far end of the orchard near the road .
3 Harry Pascoe shouted from the far end of the room , and young Jan Lanyon , who sailed with him , put up his firsts and echoed : Aye — just let 'em try ! "
4 Nevertheless , his presence gave Breeze an uncomfortable feeling , and she moved to the far end of the room so that she should not overhear what he was saying .
5 We stopped at the far end just under the small choir loft where there was a recess leading up to the tower .
6 The aunt gestured to the far end of the sun porch where one of her sons sat .
7 Courteously , he drove to the far end of the green and let Luke out by the church .
8 She nodded towards the far end of the table and then turned her back on them , pouring the milk into two big cauldrons by the fire .
9 But er we got out eventually , and they managed to get a road through to us , and but er And er I remember another time where a bank came in and they were one man trapped in the far end and there were another man trapped on this end and my brother and me we we dug round to him , we got to him , we got him bared so far and what To his waist , and it was still bitting and we got hold of his belt , right , ready ?
10 One of the mares galloped to the far end of the field where she stopped and started to crop .
11 A white sink shone at the far end , some sort of covered porcelain bucket underneath it .
12 The horse was led back to its stable and I walked to the far end of the house , where there was a lawn of coarse-bladed grass , brown with the heat , some exotic-looking flowers in a stony border , and cushioned garden chairs standing bright in the dappled shade of what looked like a cherry tree .
13 The frogs did as Sergeant advised , and discovered at the far end of the garden , near the brick wall , a fine shady place among a cluster of mossy rocks .
14 Jack , who had been standing near his friend holding the torn halves of the sketch in either hand , went to the far end of the room and sat on the desk .
15 But the family simply shrugged and patted the air and went to the far end of the street , and moved into a cottage whose roof did not leak .
16 Fairham looked to the far end of the infirmary .
17 ‘ Up the 'Ammers ! ’ they roared as they charged headlong and then half stumbled and half marched to the far end of the meadow .
18 At eleven o'clock the big Volvo appeared at the far end of the hangar and drove slowly towards him , coming to a stop with its engine running forty feet away .
19 He had just reached the box when a man on a bicycle appeared at the far end of the street .
20 Moments later an official appeared at the far end of the corridor and hurried to him .
21 ‘ Indeed … ’ began Wu Shih , then stopped , turning as his Chancellor appeared at the far end of the gallery .
22 A hound spoke at the far end of the wood .
23 ‘ So you 've finally lost your last marble ’ a voice said from the far end of the room .
24 Juliet left the office and hurried towards the far end of the ward .
25 She hurried to the far end of the bay where the sun gazed from above the cliff with hot , friendly passion .
26 She picked up her coffee and sat on the far end of the wide bunk , feet curled under her , watching him speculatively as she sipped her drink .
27 The the horse-drawn lorries going to the different curing stations where the gutter girls stood at the far end dressed in their oilskin aprons ready to start the day 's work .
28 The chapel was small , an altar stood at the further end from the entrance we came in by .
29 Jack 's mother Lilly sat at the far end of the table opposite her husband .
30 They sat at the far end of the carriage , talking in hushed tones .
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