Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [art] stairs [conj] " in BNC.

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1 She clung to him as he charged up the stairs and into her bedroom where he unceremoniously dumped her on the bed .
2 She moved to the stairs and stood for a moment in the silence of the hallway , the candle flickering in her hand .
3 And he said well my father is doing today I ca n't do today I 'll do it Friday and I shouted down the stairs but he owes you a day you should n't be going in .
4 The conductor came up the stairs and started collecting his money .
5 Seb was in Anna 's room the next evening , talking vainly in an effort to get through to her , when his mother came up the stairs and into the room .
6 James Grierson came down the stairs that led to the flat above the shop .
7 It was for Signora Kettering and her English upbringing told her that it was unthinkable to open letters addressed to someone else ; and yet as she came down the stairs and met the driver she had been taken , as she felt sure she was meant to be taken , for Signora Kettering .
8 So the boss came down the stairs and into the shop and he saw Oh hello , well did you get on with the Your examination ?
9 She said : ‘ He stopped to speak to John then he looked at me , came down the stairs and said ‘ are n't you going to introduce us ? ’ '
10 We cascaded down the stairs as the dog decided he could take going downstairs in his stride — and seethed across the station into the sunshine of the great outdoors ; where I observed two large policemen surrounding my estate car , notebooks in hand — and under the obvious impression that they were abut to make an easy collar .
11 But then he turned towards the stairs and his face went grim and cold .
12 In the stunned silence that followed , Patrick raced up the stairs and down the hall and had the door open and was actually in the room before another word had been spoken .
13 Victor raced up the stairs and the doctor opened the door to Ivan 's bedroom .
14 Hector raced down the stairs and scurried about both Diggorys , who ignored him , their attention fully on the happenings that had taken place above .
15 They crept up the stairs but ca n't have got more than half way up when our cat , Pete , came scurrying down followed by the chopper and the lump of wood .
16 Catherine crept up the stairs and along a gloomy corridor .
17 I crept up the stairs and stuck my head between the banisters , but the landing was empty .
18 We tramped up the stairs and enjoyed a mutual moan about why hospitals always put the sickest people in the most inaccessible places .
19 He rushed down the stairs and Philip ran after him , his arms out like a plane too .
20 Turning , she rushed to the stairs and started down to the ground floor .
21 His young Brigadier , Lorenzini , clattered down the stairs and put his head round the door .
22 Now , they bound up the stairs and have much more energy . ’
23 She flew down the stairs and across the atrium floor , her heels clicking against the tiles .
24 You see , ’ Dame Agatha continued excitedly , ‘ I believe that Lady Eleanor , in her haste to leave , stumbled on the stairs and fell to her death . ’
25 As Inge plunged down the stairs and headed for the kitchen at the back of the house , Shiona watched her go with an almost envious smile .
26 Molly disappeared up the stairs and Yanto heard her bedroom door open and close quietly at the end of the landing .
27 Crossing the kitchen quietly , he went up the stairs and opened the bedroom door .
28 I went up the stairs and very slowly opened the door .
29 Sophia went up the stairs and heard Rupert leave the house .
30 ‘ Anyway , ’ said old Eddy Moulton , ‘ when Stanley Furle came out of the Ring at the end of the evening , he fell down the stairs and blacked his eye on the knob of his cane !
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