Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [art] short [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Later still he became for a short time a professor at Cambridge .
2 In 1902 he lived for a short period in Clerkenwell , east London .
3 Looking pink and refreshed after a short break , Mr Smith strode into the pokey committee rooms to a rabble-rousing welcome .
4 In order to test these predictions we need to compare the size of the latent inhibition effect found after a long exposure — test interval ( which we may take to be 24 h or more ) with that found after a short interval ( when conditioning follows exposure immediately or after a few minutes ) .
5 I stopped after a short while and said ‘ this is nonsense — I ca n't learn any more of this sort of thing by two o'clock — I must just do a prose right through and see how I get on ’ .
6 Any interesting or amusing incidents , photographed or recounted in a short article will be welcome .
7 I realised that that was an absurdity … after the evidence that India could not be part of the same political system , I still believed for a short time that an Empire of positions — that is to say the possession of points of communication around the globe — gave a significance to this country and a tenable and lasting position .
8 Here is what she wrote : Beware the feline of the sea ; lest might happen to you what happened to me ; When once I booked for a short break stay , I found it impossible to get away — Seacat did not turn up to-day .
9 Yeah , oh cos that 's when she said Frank , Frank only came for a short while or something ?
10 Of the students in my time , one has since become an archbishop , John Aung Hla ; another , John Maung Pe became the first bishop of Akyab , and another who came for a short term of study and an even shorter curacy was John Richardson , the saintly schoolteacher , catechist , priest and bishop in turn of Car Nicobar , where under his influence the whole of the island population , including witch doctors , became Christian .
11 They drove up the short drive , past a lodge with a roof that looked in need of mending , good grass fields and post-and-rail fencing like broken teeth after years of neglect .
12 Proof came within a short time when in November 1983 more than five hundred deaf people from all over the country joined other disabled groups at Westminster in an impressive lobby in support of a Private Member 's Bill , introduced by Robert Wareing MP , which sought to make discrimination against all disabled people illegal .
13 Every nerve smouldered on a short fuse .
14 Both had pars at the 37th - their third visit of the day to the first hole — and the end came at the short second where Faldo hit a seven-iron to three feet to break the deadlock with a two to a three .
15 With the Italian press still buzzing with the story of the Grand Canal assault , Denis Law 's brother Joe arrived for a short holiday from Aberdeen .
16 He turned towards the short passage on the left of the companionway , at the end of which lay the skipper 's cabin .
17 It consisted of a short platform , a tin shack , and a set of buffers up against the hedge which bordered the main road .
18 She had to provide her practice outfit which consisted of a short skirt of any colour , just above knee length , with a blouse .
19 She led us to an unmarked oak door which opened into a short corridor , obviously a modern extension to the farmhouse .
20 In the first bedroom a door opened onto a short flight of rickety steps that led to an attic .
21 Cranston , the wineskin now surprisingly empty , only replied with a short stream of belches .
22 Suppose we say that the causal circumstance for the house fire consisted in the short circuit , the location of inflammable material in contact with the relevant conductor , and the presence of oxygen .
23 Asked by Crown counsel how Aindow had regained his balance , taken aim and fired in the short space of time available , the accused replied ‘ I do n't know ’ .
24 Dead birds were to be seen everywhere , and live ones , in quarrelling flocks , feeding on the burst stacks and blown seed-corn ; stabbing the cheeses that shone in the short winter grass ; pecking at the dried skeins of fish ; fluttering trapped beneath torn scraps of net .
25 When Lyall left Upton Park , McGiven served for a short time at Chelsea as youth coach before reforming a partnership in Suffolk .
26 Both are science fiction works , although ‘ Fahrenheit 451 ’ is a novel and ‘ Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep ’ began as a short story and was later expanded into a novel .
27 It was unfortunate that he returned for a short time but this was necessary in order for him to complete training prior to deploying on an operational tour . ’
28 He began with a short discussion of the planned scheme , the construction of the line and its early financial difficulties .
29 The whole great crime story wave that began in the last years of the nineteenth century and rose to its towering peak in the 1920s and 1930s began with the short story .
30 He left her at the large ornate gate , and she walked up the short drive to the front door .
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