Example sentences of "[vb past] [adj] the necessary [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The little girl seemed to have been abandoned , so the Sheikha took her home , cared for her and made all the necessary preparations to keep her .
2 When he came home on leave in April 1930 , they both returned to their childhood home and made all the necessary arrangements for its sale .
3 In fact I had never even imagined life without fat so it was something of a challenge to create a very low fat diet for myself , first of all , and then for my slimmers — a diet which at the same time as being very low in fat included all the necessary nutrients .
4 He did study law and acquired all the necessary qualifications but he became increasingly depressed — a condition which was not conquered until , at the age of 28 , he went back to university to study the science subjects he so loved .
5 It had been the custom since Gilkes 's day for masters to meet monthly to discuss the boys ' progress , and now a simple record card contained all the necessary information , supplemented from time to time as necessary , and formed the basis of this report .
6 A joint company and union statement said all the necessary redundancies had been achieved by voluntary means but further minor reductions among the 8,500 Ford staff would be needed before December .
7 Search for a peptide was rewarded by the discovery of a compound containing five amino acids , which combined powerfully with the opiate receptor and had all the necessary properties for it to be recognized as a new transmitter substance .
8 Dalgliesh thanked her and told her that she could go home as soon as she had checked with Detective-Sergeant Reynolds in the library that he had all the necessary information about where she had spent the previous evening .
9 They had all the necessary facilities and resources at Cedars .
10 The party already had all the necessary channels for debate , it said , adding : ‘ Socialism on German soil is not in question .
11 The team at Marham , overseen by Fred Beamish , have produced an aircraft which they proudly boast is one of the best preserved in the country and wish to express their thanks for their help to Pat Waterhouse , a former RAF sergeant painter and finisher now with the RAF Museum at Cardington , who provided invaluable help , Colin Jardine , manager of the Product Support Dept at BAe Manchester who provided all the technical drawings for the finishings and markings , and Sgt Tom Patel at RAF St Athan who supplied all the necessary stencils , enabling all the finer details to be added .
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