Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] itself [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Here and elsewhere , the government strove to identify itself with new themes .
2 It indicates the means whereby a form of Christianity which entirely circumvented the Pauline orthodoxy of Rome began to establish itself in Western Europe .
3 This faction began to organise itself in 1989 at the founding conference of the United Front of Workers ( OFR ) in Leningrad in July 1989 .
4 Ignoring the traditional possessiveness of the Home Office towards the content of the criminal law as well as its administration , the Law Commission declined to confine itself to civil law matters .
5 Europe began to equip itself with electrical power stations ; London 's first was the Edison Holborn Viaduct station of 1882 .
6 His illness began to manifest itself during this time but , being David , he refused to allow it to interfere with his duties as President .
7 Then Guinness decided to divest itself of certain whisky brands to reduce its market share and the chairman of the Commission ruled that this meant its bid had been abandoned and that the reference should be set aside .
8 But the spirit of the age among the people I knew manifested itself as general drift and idleness .
9 Britain managed to isolate itself in international fora — such as the 35 Nation Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution convened by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe ( UN ECE ) — by rejecting the scientific consensus that forest decline was linked to air pollution from industry , power stations and vehicles .
10 That the press in the 19th and 20th centuries chose to attach itself to political parties and also chose to abdicate its responsibilities towards its publics by identifying itself too closely with the interests of the state in no way reflects upon the notions of the free press .
11 So although positivist criminology did concern itself with social and economic conditions , in a way that classical criminology did not , it mostly ended up just as timid-looking as far as drawing ‘ corrective ’ conclusions was concerned .
12 Now , under the impact of guilt and remorse motivated by the positive side of the original ambivalent feelings for the father , the ego sought to defend itself from further conflict with its id by erecting safety measures which would protect it from such distorting and stressful impulses .
13 It had arranged itself around bright canvas bags and wicker baskets in the part-shade of a fishing-boat .
14 Or meant to have replied , but perhaps she had not , perhaps the knowledge of later years had imposed itself on that first memory .
15 But even if the relative lack of profitable investment opportunities goes some way to explaining the poor investment rate , then if US business had felt itself under more pressure , it might have made greater efforts to improve technology .
16 The question turned off Lomax 's interest like a tap that realises it had flooded itself into deep water .
17 By the time that the appeal had reached this Board , the defendant 's case had reduced itself to seven heads .
18 Following the Coopers merger with Deloittes , Pearson had found itself with three firms of auditors — Deloitte & Touche and Arthur Andersen in the US and Coopers & Lybrand in the rest of the world — a situation it found cumbersome and expensive .
19 And for composers desperately intent on forging a language that had purged itself of any historical residues , a musical form that by its very nature was reliant upon an external stimulus , that needed the prop of a text and a scenario , was intrinsically suspicious .
20 Subsequently , on Feb. 17 , it was reported that a long-range airforce division with nuclear capacity had put itself under Ukrainian jurisdiction , and that its commander , who had been dismissed by the long-range Air Force Commander , Col.-Gen .
21 This constituted an altogether more active management , which had to concern itself with professional matters .
22 On the slow descent to Bristol airport a creature had attached itself to one of the wings .
23 Disproportionately she had longed , in the interminable wastes of adolescence , in the grey and monotonous steppes , and some of the longing had attached itself to this night , this one night of the year , when others ( she knew from school friends , from the radio , from novels ) , when others went to parties and celebrated whatever was about to be .
24 But organized science had allied itself with Big Business and Government ; it had no interest in the individual — its meat was statistics !
25 This was the first record of contact with a physic garden on the continent and so , within a few years , the Apothecaries ' garden had established itself in botanical circles .
26 A resilient alliance between Protestant theology and Aristotelian philosophy , which had established itself in different parts of Europe , remained particularly strong in Scotland during the first half of the seventeenth century .
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