Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [prep] the beginning " in BNC.

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1 That of course is exactly what Akhenaten tried to do at the beginning another example the return of the repressed its original religious intolerance .
2 We hope very much it will be useful , but as I tried to stress at the beginning , we very much see the problems of developing countries , which we in the Institute are working on , as part of the problems of what 's going wrong in the world at the moment , in which we in Britain very much have a stake too .
3 The exceptional moment when the spirit of Brahms materialised came at the beginning of the andante where Pauline Dowse 's cello solo evoked the inner stillness of the composer — all moonlight , warmth and swaying tree tops .
4 If he 'd explained at the beginning — and it did n't cancel out the fact that he 'd lied to her , did it ?
5 If she 'd confessed at the beginning it would n't have been so bad , but how could she tell them now ?
6 But it could also mean that erm they were getti that it they had been successful in getting taxation from what they 'd done since the beginning of cos they felt they could go even further .
7 If you 'd known at the beginning that I knew your parents you would n't have even given me the time of day .
8 If they 'd settled at the beginning we would n't have had to go through this battle .
9 With grave face and totally businesslike voice he began to talk about the beginnings of this place , of the way he had planned and discussed the enterprise , and how he had enabled the local people to be involved all the way through , so that they knew what he was planning , and they did n't feel threatened by him , but collaborated with him , knowing that it meant jobs , roads and plumbing and a higher standard of living for them all .
10 Charles Tilly ( 1975 ) , in his introduction and conclusion to a volume which examines in detail some major aspects of the development of national states in Western Europe , considers the specific conditions in which these states began to emerge from the beginning of the sixteenth century , outlines their distinctive features , and reviews the causes of their development and eventual dominance .
11 In the ACCs , the money supply began to accelerate at the beginning of 1970 .
12 But , you know , if , if , if I 'd have put , when we , when we started to talk at the beginning of this term we had at the beginning a general discussion about what are we gon na put in land reform , if I 'd have come along to s to you and I 'd said well I think we should do this
13 I think you just got thrown at the beginning and I think he you off and
14 Earlier he had heard that a young clerk from the Post Office had shot himself while lying in bed … he had left a young widow , to whom he had been married in Calcutta during the previous cold season ; this act of despair had moved him more than any other of the many deaths he had witnessed since the beginning of the siege ; it was perhaps the fact that the young man had been lying in bed when he had shot himself that the Collector found so sad .
15 There Peter I had developed at the beginning of the century a system by which a specified number of peasant households had to provide , in periodic levies , a recruit to serve for life .
16 She had sensed from the beginning that his compliments to her were of a different kind from those he bestowed so liberally upon every female in sight , but she could n't tell him that , while in her heart she liked them , she might be annoyed by his assumption that they were always acceptable .
17 The discovery of the Americas and of southern Africa had synchronized with the beginnings of European printing and , throughout the sixteenth century , the expansion in European understanding of world geography and world ethnology coincided with a tremendous spread of general literacy , which was in turn accompanied by the revived and intensive study of the Bible in vernacular languages .
18 The sales boom that Modigliani had enjoyed at the beginning of the year faded .
19 The first indication of the direction his mind ( or what passed for it ) was moving had come at the beginning of the trial when he called in two other judges to help determine whether the free pardon that Meehan had been granted quashed his conviction .
20 She had come to the beginning of the shelters now , which meant that she was drawing near the pier .
21 O'Keeffe 's immediate reaction to the criticism generated by the 1923 show is not known , but it is clear from a letter she wrote to Mitchell Kennerley of the Anderson Gallery in the autumn of 1922 , soon after Rosenfeld 's second article appeared , that she had objected from the beginning to Hartley 's and Rosenfeld 's assessments of her and her art : ‘ You see Rosenfeld 's articles have embarrassed me — [ and ] I wanted to lose the one for the Hartley book when I had the only copy of it to read — so it could n't be in the book . ’
22 In return for his family settlement he had agreed to be reconciled to the Poitevin rebels and make good the losses which they had suffered since the beginning of the war .
23 Some of the former private enterprise managers ( notably E. H. E. Woodward on the Central Authority and Harry Randall at the London Board ) had seen from the beginning that proper decentralisation required that the Boards relate capital expenditure to revenue-earning potential in order to retain direct control of their financial viability ; and outside commentators were sometimes surprised that the Boards ' decisions on capital expenditure to meet statutory obligations were made quite separately from the revenue estimates which determined their profitability .
24 At the end of each day , as he had done since the beginning of the autumn , Robert took him home , where Mr and Mrs Wilson petted him , fed him , and put him to sleep in the spare bedroom as if he were their own son .
25 In the beginning — and it had felt like the beginning although he was past thirty when they met — she had been an art student falling out of love with a young man on her course .
26 Some , such as Robert Owen , among socialists , and conservatives such as Thomas Carlyle , had argued from the beginning of industrial capitalism in Britain that the source of the unequal distribution of wealth , income and power lay in the competitive , individualistic nature of the new economic system and the values it perpetuated and strengthened : the emphasis upon individual rather than co-operative effort , upon self-help for all rather than upon mutual obligation , such as the responsibility of the rich to help the poor in return for their labour .
27 She said she was a widow , her husband , Malcolm , had died at the beginning of her pregnancy .
28 Magda ze Schluderpacheru was dead , had died near the beginning of it .
29 In France the system was much more centralized , and it might be that the stiffness of the Napoleonic system was one reason why France had lost to Germany the prominent place she had had at the beginning of the century when that system was set up .
30 When I asked advice , this man from the Florence Enterprise said begin at the beginning , the day the coach departed from Sweetmary with everybody aboard .
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