Example sentences of "[coord] carried [adv prt] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Loss or damage to personal effects and baggage taken , sent in advance or purchased on holiday ( including clothing and personal effects worn or carried on the person , trunks , suitcases and like receptacles ) .
2 If the theatre is a long distance away from the ward , equipment may be taken from the ward on a post-operative tray or carried on the theatre trolley .
3 Other drivers had taken a break and carried off a number of her fellow spectators , but Simon had yet to appear .
4 They landed agents from submarines and carried out a number of successful demolition raids along the Italian coast .
5 The ( Castroist ) Tupac Amarú Revolutionary Movement ( MRTA ) bombed a dozen Lima banks on Nov. 4 and carried out a grenade attack on the presidential palace on Nov. 5 which wounded three people .
6 In supplies , for example you often have to undertake almost military type operations I witnessed a group of 150 women who planned and carried out an ambush of the enemy to requisition bread and flour and the only arms they were carrying consisted of sticks and cords , To be a nurse also requires a lot of mental equanimity and physical strength .
7 Brand New Product Development , PA 's partner in its ‘ springboard ’ product development service , commissioned and interpreted the positioning market research for the project and carried out the brand design concepts for Fort Sterling .
8 The Japanese shot at anything that moved and carried out the raid with skill and speed ; the Americans were taken by complete surprise .
9 Contract Procedure and Payments : the farmer wishing to have contract work carried out normally gave 4–5 days ' notice ; the administrator located a suitable machine not being used by its owner on the required date , and the operator collected the machine and carried out the work ; the farmer paid the group the agreed rate per acre for the work done ; the group paid the owner of the machine the agreed rate for the hire of the machine ; the operator was paid for the hours worked .
10 ‘ Among those I have talked to over the past years , ’ he said , ‘ I have found none who believed that Libya alone paid for , planned and carried out the crime — exactly none . ’
11 When the programme was originally devised in the USA the families had a therapy aide who slept in the house and carried out the programme with the child .
12 The Director paused and watched the scene below for a few thoughtful seconds , as a squad of house servants bagged and carried out the human remains , and began stripping off the blood-soaked canvas cover from the padded squares underneath , removing it for cleaning .
13 Dan Wagoner 's own new work , first staged in Plymouth in October , has a jokey title , Turtles All The Way Down , and has something to do with a Bertrand Russell lecture when it was suggested that the Earth is not round but carried on the back of a giant tortoise which stands on turtles all the way down .
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