Example sentences of "[coord] talk [prep] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Please write , phone or talk to me with your ideas so that a mutual exchange can benefit all teachers .
2 We met mainly at meals , which I enjoyed , not only because I liked her and could still indulge myself foolishly and talk with her about our special patient in Marcus , but also as Daisy , being so near the end of her training , had several friends amongst the staff nurses .
3 My mother used to visit Robert every afternoon and talk to him through glass .
4 ‘ I 'll take it to the hospital this morning , ’ she said , adding rather pathetically , ‘ and talk to him about it . ’
5 I informed Mr Kagan that I was something of a heretic so far as the minutiae of the Jewish faith were concerned ; on the other hand , I said , I had never concealed that I was a loyal member of the faith , and so I would be happy to have the boy to tea and talk to him about Judaism in general terms .
6 If we go to any local government official and talk to him about local government finance and how the council tax might work , he will say that it is nonsense and a case of trying to muddle through and paper over the cracks simply to make the package a little more presentable for electoral purposes .
7 Both Mr Megrahi and Mr Fhima told me they would be happy to meet Scottish or American investigators and talk to them about the case . ’
8 Well go and talk to them about it ,
9 erm It can be daunting to go back and erm meet teachers again and talk to them as , as adults rather than in the way that you used to when you were a child and erm the teacher was very much above you , but erm try your best to , to do that for the sake of the child because it is very very helpful for children if they feel that their teachers and parents are on pretty good terms .
10 Greet the wise one , and talk to them of the fears that you wish to overcome .
11 For she would carry on with her chores and talk to them at the same time .
12 If someone at work is not pulling their weight , we must be straightforward and talk to them without anger , remaining tolerant even if they are cynical .
13 Look at it and talk to me about it . ’
14 The letter announcing my visit lay unopened on the mat when she opened the door , and an hour later I came away believing that I admired a woman who could , under these circumstances and in some pain , treat me as if I had just stepped round the corner for a packet of tea ten minutes before , and talk to me about this and that , and nothing at all .
15 Throughout the day he would stop work , make us coffee and talk to me about what he was working on , what he was reading and what I was doing .
16 Well , if ever you think of leaving , you just come and talk to me about it .
17 Come and talk to me at Easter .
18 After a while , though , I started receiving letters from her , and on Sunday evenings my Pop would take me to the phone booth , where at a prearranged time I would ring a phone booth in Scotland and talk to her for 3 minutes .
19 Every now and then a dad would swagger in and talk to her with reverence but also with a certain courtly gaiety .
20 I had n't seen her since before the trial , I really wanted to reassure her and talk to her on her own , to help my relationship with her continue .
21 He came to see yer mother and talk to her about paying a reward .
22 I mean it 's very nice to be with a child , a baby , for about three or four hours , but after that you are quite grateful for somebody else to come and play with it for a while , and talk to it for a while .
23 The doctor will also give you a thorough health check , and talk to you about where to have your baby , and how to look after yourself until the birth .
24 Do you think I might come in for a few minutes and talk to you about Matilda ? ’
25 And she 's marked it and I 'm going to give it back to you and talk to you about it .
26 Well as an association , we naturally get ourselves involved with many other aspects of the university activities in that erm both the students are applicants of ours and come and talk to us about projects which they may like to see emerge , and other departments of the university , the music department etc. , sometimes find that our knowledge of the area , or certain aspects of some of the schemes that we 're operating , coincide with what they 're trying to do and it turns out to be that campuses like this are often useful places for residencies and artists will come and take up residency in a university for a period of time , and that 's often been exploited by the Association .
27 ‘ We would still appeal to any member of the public who has any suspicion or information to get in touch and talk to us in confidence .
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