Example sentences of "[coord] makes a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In our steam locomotive comparison , the engine loses traction , or makes an expensive noise and stops .
2 The indirect costs of making a poor choice are hidden but heavy — perhaps not all that hidden if someone loses an order or makes an avoidable error in design .
3 But one the Sun enters Gemini on the 19th and makes a decisive aspect to Jupiter on the 26th , the worst will be over .
4 ‘ But this baby is coming feet first , which is very bad indeed , and makes a successful delivery very difficult .
5 When they are successful a bell rings and a mechanical buddha lights up and makes a creaky obeisance .
6 Add a bubble-up filter filled with carbon if you can run to it ( it could cost as little as £5 plus charcoal and makes a useful back-up unit ) .
7 David Solman builds a special garden bench , inspired by a sunnier summer than 1991 , and makes a simple dowelling jig
8 And makes a great meal of that material .
9 He still maintains that he believes this , and makes a great show of sending off a manuscript to publishers down in London , trying to get them to publish a book expounding this view , but I know he 's just mischief-making again , and gets most of his pleasure from his acts of stunned disbelief and then righteous indignation when the manuscript is eventually returned .
10 It is this action that levels the board out in flight and makes a small hop into a controlled jump .
11 This is immensely unpopular in the country and makes a Labour victory more likely .
12 The other leading stars of Ursa Minor are Beta or Kocab ( 2.1 ) and Gamma ( 3.0 ) , known as the Guardians of the Pole ; Kocab is strongly orange , with a K-type spectrum , and makes a good contrast with Polaris .
13 Still , the songs are enchanting , and makes a good filler for a very pleasant disc .
14 It 's pleasant to use and makes a good barrier cream .
15 12 She shifts her body and flips her wings to keep balance , then looks at me and makes a new sound , like peeEP ; very sharp .
16 I mean , ugh ? ’ he shrugs his shoulders and waves his beer and makes a geeky face .
17 So the sewage goes septic , giving off hydrogen sulphide which corrodes the pipes and makes a nasty smell .
18 The Giant Panda is a great favourite with children and adults and makes a wonderful subject for a knitting design .
19 Sir Brian is loud-mouthing Sir Bernard , who is assaulting the other five with caustic wit ; Sir Oliver has fallen off his mount ( pissed ) , Sir Keith ( famed for sartorial elegance ) is annoyed about the dragon blood on his armour ; Sir Kenneth has lost his specs and makes a quixotic charge in the wrong direction ; and Sir Malcolm is miffed by all this disorderly conduct .
20 A modest shoal can be inexpensive to buy and makes a delightful addition to the peaceful community aquarium .
21 Today , it 's synonymous with aviation and makes a bold statement wherever you go .
22 If , however , it is agreed that the wife should purchase the husband 's share and interest , and in reality the purchase monies are being provided by the new husband , then if the husband refuses to convey his interest in the house to the wife and the new husband , it is suggested that the wife takes the conveyance/transfer in her sole name as nominee and makes a subsequent conveyance to herself and the new husband .
23 Accolade — which received a similar award in 1984 — now has a total of three disabled people on its 14-strong staff and makes a positive effort to recruit handicapped people , according to the marketing manager , Irene McAlaney , who is one of the three and has a walking difficulty as a result of childhood polio .
24 Whereas in discrimination learning the student learns to distinguish between events and objects on the basis of their differences , in concept learning she concentrates on the similarities of phenomena belonging to a class and makes a common response to them .
25 The Managing Editor of the HSE report and HM Inspector of Health and Safety Accident Prevention Advisory Unit , Philip Papard , identifies the underlying causes of accidents — not differentiating between human , financial and environmental accidents — as management failures and makes a clear link between accident prevention and quality management .
26 This figurine , aptly nicknamed ‘ The Poppy Goddess ’ , dates from about 1350 BC and makes a clear connection between the manifestation of the deity and the taking of opium .
27 The planning implications of this policy became clear in Minerals Planning Guidance Note 3 ( 1988 ) : ‘ Opencast coal can often be produced cheaply and profitably … ( it ) is also an integral part of British Coal 's overall production and makes a vital contribution to their finances … it is in the national interest to maximise production where that can be done in an environmentally acceptable way ’ .
28 Medieval Christmas village scene pattern — classic china and makes a lovely gift .
29 The management company makes an initial investment charge when it sells a unit to an investor and makes an annual charge on the value of the fund .
30 She disdains his odious advances , and makes an inspiring speech on the glorious revolutionary future .
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