Example sentences of "[coord] make [pron] way [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 After debriefing the other agencies and packing their equipment , the EOD team leave and make their way back to base .
2 He had turned captured Russian officers and allowed them to ‘ escape ’ and make their way back to Russia where they became his agents .
3 The thin man returned to his earlier plan that they should cut loose the horses and make their way back as inconspicuously as possible by the paths and game-tracks .
4 After about thirty seconds , I told her that she could switch the light on once more and make her way out of the cupboard and back to the hall .
5 If Fen had n't returned by morning she would have to pack a few essentials , lock up the boat and make her way back to Little Kirkton by public transport , and Fen would have achieved his objective — to be rid of her .
6 As you approach St Catherine 's Point and make your way up towards the Needles you 'll fully appreciate the true beauty of this much lonelier west and south section .
7 Cross field going north-east then bear left around the edge of the next field and make your way back to Selworthy .
8 From Sgwyd yr Eira head south to Dinas Rock , staying on the east side of the Mellte and make your way back to Pont-Nedd-Fechan .
9 I had no way of telling what time it was , but surely it might soon be possible for me to escape from my desert island and make my way back to the cottage and a warm bed .
10 I had thought that , if the worst came to the worst , I could always follow the hillside and make my way down to the bottom .
11 Speaking softly to the horse , he came alongside her neck , anxious to attach the halter as quickly as possible and make his way back to firm ground .
12 Quiss stamped his foot in frustration , then marched back up the steps to retrieve the rest of his furs and make his way back to the castle 's upper reaches .
13 There appeared to be nothing for him to do but make his way back to the Inn on the Point , collect his own belongings and return to London .
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