Example sentences of "[coord] taking the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Instead of turning back or taking the upper channel , a long cul-de-sac ending at a floodgate , Dennis beached the punt on the rollers forming a portage over the weir .
2 Giant freckles , called chloasma , sometimes appear on the face or neck in sunlight if you are pregnant or taking the combined Pill .
3 The answer is that it saw the way the wind was blowing and instead of desperately tripping its users up as they tried to move to open systems , it embraced them wholeheartedly , giving users the option of either staying on the slow track with an MPE V operating system that over time would converge with Unix , or taking the fast track and jumping across to the HP 9000 .
4 Most feminists respond by multiplying the female subject , and taking the collective category of ‘ women ’ as a pragmatic basis for their politics .
5 One is , if we make a certain common assumption , and taking the first example , that if the switch had not been flipped , then the windscreen wipers would not have started to work .
6 The genuine regard or respect is demonstrated in building trust , being reliable , and taking the other person 's point of view seriously , whatever one 's personal opinion .
7 His sister then helped to bring up the child while Gustav was in Moscow for two years , at the university and taking the political indoctri-nation .
8 Everyone was clamouring , as they ate and drank and the girls went round the table , serving and taking the finished platters to the sink where Sabina was busy wiping and stacking .
9 When the interview ended , and Jean-Claude Meursault had risen , shaken her hand gravely , and then quickly joined the group around the camera at the end of the track to Miranda 's right , she began sketching in her small pad and taking the occasional photograph when the noise levels permitted .
10 That totals £40 million or , if you take the lowest figure — excluding the ‘ risk factor ’ and taking the lowest endowment figure — £30 million !
11 Experience has shown that many real situations are lacking in mechanisms for monitoring what is going on , and taking the necessary control action when the required standards are n't being met .
12 Reverting to the construction of sand features and taking the small scale features first it may be said that the formation of sand ripples is closely connected with the process of saltation .
13 But it 's not at all a bad idea to have a quick guided tour on your first day to get an idea of the layout , saving a lot of time asking the way and taking the wrong turning .
14 Stressing China 's hard-won independence and unity , Jiang said : " The past 70 years prove that only by following the leadership of the CCP and taking the socialist road can our country become powerful and prosperous , our nation be rejuvenated and our people enjoy a prosperous life . "
15 Driving from Louvois to Bouzy , and taking the left turn into the village itself , one can not miss the corner section of vines proudly signposted as ‘ Bollinger 's Vieilles Vignes ’ .
16 My immediate neighbours were miners ; and in my walks on the hills , eating up time and taking the free air , I had often met groups of miners going along the old Roman road that ran along the spine of the hill above my home .
17 If you go north from Porta Venezia , taking Corso Buenos Aires to reach Via Palazzi , and taking the third turning to the left , you can view what remains of the Lazzaretto , the church of San Carlo — of no great merit despite being the work of Il Pellegrini — and a section of the portico that forms part of the northern section of the school at No.12 Via Tadino , the first road crossed by Via Palazzi .
18 ‘ Ah , there it is , ’ Signe said , coming back into the room and taking the cold coffee from me .
19 He negotiated Malaya 's independence from the United Kingdom two years later and was the country 's first Prime Minister , overseeing the creation of the Federation of Malaysia in 1963 , and during the next two years withstanding the threat of " Confrontation " with Indonesia and taking the difficult decision that Singapore secede from the Federation .
20 But it 's been an amazing week reaching the final and taking the British record . ’
21 Now Buxtehude is something of a Mecca for other traffic planners paying tribute to what has been achieved and taking the Verkehrsberuhigung message back to their own communities .
22 But taking the objective Macdonald view in this first season back in the Premier Division , survival was his first concern for Airdrie , the avoidance of relegation for a club which in realistic terms has no money to buy quality players , crowds averaging less than 5,000 and a creaking , obsolute stadium .
23 Not only did the existence of a divided society help fuel party tensions under William and Anne , but taking the longer perspective covered by this book as a whole , it might even be fair to suggest that the emergence of the party divide amongst the political elite was itself a symptom of the bitter divisions that already existed in this society , divisions which we have traced back to the Restoration in 1660 .
24 One day , they met in the second class compartment of a train — unemployed but taking the bad days as cheerfully as the good , knowing that tomorrow probably would find them enjoying the material rewards of advertising yet again .
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