Example sentences of "[coord] look at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I would n't speak to him all the evening , or look at the things he 'd bought , even though I could see one of them was a picture-frame .
2 Another says : ‘ I pray best when I sit before the Blessed Sacrament , or look at the Crucifix without saying anything — just being with the Lord . ’
3 To find out about Alexander Technique classes or workshops , ask your local-education authority for details , search your local ‘ what 's on ’ in the newspaper or look at the noticeboard in your library .
4 Now if you 're a majority party you can instruct officers to come up with a specially paid reduction pol you pay for the policy , so you can then structure the system or look at the service and come up with a reduction , come up with an expansion
5 Talk to your employer about this , or look at the leaflet ‘ Employment rights ’ mentioned above .
6 They could compare the weight of the irons and investigate what they were made of , or look at the energy source they needed and the implications of this — the electric iron is not much use without an electricity supply !
7 . If there are bits that you do n't understand and you 're having trouble , give me a phone , I think I put my phone number on the board , give me a ring at home , give me a ring at Aston or come and see me or go and chat to your friends or go go and look at a text book but if that does n't help , then come back , right ?
8 We test a new coated jacket and look at a brand new development in the field
9 If you got into trouble you were made to sit on a chair and look at a wall for twenty-four hours a day .
10 So when you try and look at the sun you ca n't see it .
11 Hemmed in really , and look at the figures for July and August .
12 The last four articles ( 17–20 ) deal with teachers as individuals and look at the forces and pressures on them .
13 If there was a moon she used to go out into the yard , and look at the moon , and prophesy what the world was going to be like tomorrow .
14 Go and look at the clock you are thinking about and see whether or not you were right .
15 Then you can picnic , play football or cricket or just walk across the moorland and look at the sheep .
16 erm they have not in the past proved themselves to be the most capable o of people to er to support these things so in conclusion I 'd say that we must put this as part of a shopping list , the shopping list is on there er it is something to bring London and the South East of England which includes Hertfordshire and to make it an economic and viable area and look at the evidence of the other cities and I hope that er all of you will support the motion .
17 In our drama we can change the frame ( see Chapter 4 ) and look at the story from the point of view of the people in the castle .
18 I 've been over this part twice , and look at the water . ’
19 Sometimes I look through the catalogue at the men 's clothes , or wander into shops like Principles and look at the menswear .
20 Select a strong healthy stem that has borne a good bloom , or is still carrying one that has gone over the top , and look at the stem lower down — to see if you can find nice plump axillary buds or eyes in the leaf axils — these are latent growth buds , and they are going to become your new roses !
21 If you actually go in and look at the prices cos the other is the only one I 'm gon na get , it was only ten pounds , only one at the bottom and this shirt white shirt is only five pounds .
22 We agreed to a spending on capital statement , we do agree to spending six hundred thousand pounds for the much needed paper and look at the council rate monies spent later this year .
23 Come and look at the map . "
24 If a now neglected painter was popular during his lifetime we must examine the reason why and look at the works again .
25 ‘ Will it be all right , ’ she ventured to say , ‘ if I come and look at the orchids tomorrow ? ’
26 And we believe we already offer that , I think the figures indicate that and therefore in the medium and the longer term I believe that our attractions will undoubtedly benefit and I would finally say that if you er , go back and look at the history of Disney in America , after the establishment of Disney Parks in America there was a big improvement in extension of the amusement parks in the rest of America which er , the traditional theme parks , so called , in America grew in the period after the establishment of Disney Land in California and I think a similar sort of thing is going to happen , not perhaps just in this country er , but also in Europe generally .
27 Let us now leap into the future , and look at the genes present then .
28 If we just pause for a moment and look at the A C C digest that the papers see .
29 But erm the idea is have this up and running and look at the problems .
30 Double check with supplier 's data and look at the part itself to confirm the pinouts .
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