Example sentences of "[coord] go [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is possible to take a difficult route back to the line almost immediately , or go on to the next farm and follow a track there .
2 If you go to the racecourse you can bet at the course 's own betting shop or go out into the ‘ betting ring ’ where bookmakers have odds chalked up on boards .
3 If you tend to throw things , put objects away or go out into the garden .
4 If the spacing between the strands is uneven , or if they curve or go off at an angle , the knotting is irregular , and denotes a poor quality rug .
5 Here at Club M'Diq you can either do your own thing or involve yourself in the daily and evening activities and events available for free ; you can lazy on the spacious sandy beach , or go off on the optional excursions to see something of what this colourful Moslem country has to offer .
6 A paint-effect wall makes a beautiful backdrop , whether you try your hand at sponging or go in for a more adventurous colour-wash finish .
7 I fish such a bait on a 14 hook , or go down to a 16 if the bream are being finicky .
8 At these heights , the first turn or so generally dictates whether you go up and get a climb , or go down for a landing .
9 Once in a while at least , the philosopher must be allowed to approach the psychologist as a counsellor and to say : if you leave the Sorbonne by the exit in the Rue Saint-Jacques , you can either turn up the hill or go down towards the river : if you go up , you will get to the Panthéon which is the resting place of a few great men , but if you go downhill then you 're bound to end up at the Préfecture de Police .
10 Stay out here or go back into the classroom , she did n't want to be found out there if by any chance Miss Graining the Head came by .
11 ‘ I would hope if sufficient parents support me they will either postpone the tests until Easter , by which time the children will have some idea of what it is like , or go back to the previous system .
12 The bullets may bounce off the sides of the slits or go plumb through the middle , so that we can not be certain of exactly where they will hit the second screen .
13 If you want , take to the water with a sunny trip by boat to view the coastline in a more leisurely fashion , or go across to the romantic island of Elba .
14 I shower and go through to the kitchen with Lucker .
15 Darlington choir the Carol Andrews Singers have won the adult section of the BBC Sainsbury Choir of the Year Contest at the Tyne Theatre , in Newcastle and go through to the next stage in Manchester this October .
16 In fact I 'm sure they 'll beat them at the Manor and go through to the next round where hopefully we can probably play one of the big teams like — Oh , Manchester United , Newcastle or probably — Oh , I do n't know
17 Go left , down , right , then fall down , push the crate onto the button and go up on the lift , then left along the lower platform , push the crate left onto the switch , fall down , then go up on the lift , collect the speaker , fall down , go right and up on the lift , go left along the top platform , go up and left , go up on the lift , and continue going up on the platforms .
18 Go right and fall down , go left and push the crate right onto the button , go left to a wall , duck down and crawl under it , go left and fall down , go right , fall down and collect the main tape deck , go right , then up on the platforms , right , down , and collect the battery , push the crate left and go up on the lift , go left to a button , then jump two platforms to your right , and then onto the platform to your left , push the crate down onto the button and fall down , go up on the lift , then right to the next lift , go up the passage on the lift and ledge , and then go left along the top .
19 Go down , catch the swing and go up on the lift , go left and collect the shield , go right and up when you reach the right-hand wall , go left and fly up the pipe , go right and fall down the gap , then go left and collect the weight and throw it onto the button to your right , go up on the lift , right , up and left on the lift , fly up past the spikes and collect a weight , fall down and go right under the spikes , throw the weight on the button , go up on the lift , up , go left when you can and fall down to collect the weight .
20 Jump down and go right , cross the river on the cake and go up on the platforms , collect the cocoa bean at the top of the platforms , go back down the platforms , go left across the river , jump up on the sherbet fountain and collect the blue object above you , go straight left along the platforms and throw the blue object at the button to start the lift , go up on the lifts and collect the cocoa bean , go down , left , down , left across the rivers and into the cup to complete the level .
21 Go upwards and stand on top of the wall ( above the window ) , go to the left of the wall and paint some ledges , then go onto the wall on the left , go left and shoot the switch , go up on the painted ledges and head right along the wall above you , go up on the trampoline and paint the button , go left along the passage , jump onto the trampoline , and from there onto the ledge on the left wall , jump to collect the painting , fall down and go up on the right of the window ( paint some ledges ) .
22 There are many times when I leave the house and go up to the range when I really do n't want to .
23 If this happened the lighthouse-keeper would tell the warden , who would muster as many ‘ hands ’ as were available , and go up to the headlands where the lighthouses stood .
24 Near there and go up to the Hurn Airport Road
25 He puts it against a house and go up through the window .
26 You must cease taking part in practical affairs and go instead into the wilderness as an educator of opinion or as a religious evangelist … .
27 But if it is military evidences that you are pursuing , then I would leave Tarbes and go instead to the splendid castle of Montaner , a few miles to the north-west — not quite Pyrenean I will admit , but near enough and certainly good enough to be brought in here .
28 Better to look at the written key word , get your practice partner to repeat the descriptive sentences ( which will then be easy ) and go on to the next on the list .
29 and go on to the the penultimate , how 's that , the penultimate line where you 've got the cover that exists already
30 He said he was to have met another man at a school on Garscube Road in Maryhill and go on to an unknown warehouse .
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