Example sentences of "[coord] get [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the Robert Maxwell episode has vividly illustrated to the nation the fact that an unscrupulous director can put his hand in the till and get hold of pension fund money ?
2 But when I awoke , it was time to put dreams aside and get hold of reality .
3 ‘ Right , let's spread out a bit and get back to back , ’ said Yanto with a grin , ‘ you ready Bill ? ’
4 Erm , and then we get requests for things from the leader of the Council directly , that he wants us to respond to , the chair of that committee to erm will , will do the same thing , we 'll get requests from other departments relating to our work , some of which might of been you , we erm , the Council has a group for the finance advisory group , which is a small group of Councillor 's and officer 's that meet to discuss not in , in public session , key erm financial and other major policy erm issues that , and the reason why that group was set up , erm was that it felt like with the introduction of Poll Tax and the Local Government Housing and Finance Tax , that it needed outside the committee cycle to erm review the impact of those legislation to look at it 's finances more closely and what , and we as a policy team report into that group and get request from work from that group as well .
5 And and apparently even now , if you try and get insurance on Road , for your property , erm unless you 're prepared to pay a ridiculously high premium , you you ca n't get it .
6 She used to go to the butchers and get breast of lamb , scrag-end , sheep 's head , pig 's head .
7 Boys , on the other hand , tend towards holist strategies , and get training in serialist strategies from their teachers , thus providing the opportunity for them to become versatile learners .
8 If you 're paying out every month on credit cards , on short term loans , perhaps on an overdraft too , here 's a way to simplify your finances and get cash in hand .
9 Opus customers have telephone access to technical support ( on-site maintenance is an option ) , while prospective customers can call its pre-support team to talk through their requirements and get advice on system configuration etc .
10 I 'll , I 'll stick with York and get value for money .
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